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Spillestedet Stengade

Spillestedet Stengade

Stengade 18
2200 København N
Tlf: 3151 7271

Spillestedet Stengade er frivilligt drevet og præsenterer en bred palet af den danske undergrund og etablerede kunstnere. Jazz har traditionelt ikke fyldt så meget i vores program, men vi er hele tiden opsøgende for nye spændende konstellationer og samarbejder. Årets program byder på prisvindende instrumentalister, upcoming komponister og velkendte bands på den danske jazzscene, samt nyt fra udlandet. Vores program er tilgængeligt på hjemmesiden http://www.stengade.dk/, smartphone venlig udgave tilgængelig, samt på app til din smartphone

Viser 33 events fra/efter 27. jun. 2024

Pris: Entré: 190 kr Køb/bestil billet
Spillestedet Stengade Stengade 18, København N
De fremadstormende amerikanske heavy-goth-rockere Unto Others rammer Stengade til deres første headliner show i Danmark. Hyper thrasher Terminalist og horror rockers Archangel sparker aftenen i gang!Unto Others:It is truly heavy music's sweetest spot to take the majesty and familiarity of its past and inject it with a fresh bout of creativity, a welcome jolt of musical bravery and an X factor that makes you believe this band could make a difference. With nods to timeless gothic rock, traditional heavy metal, arena-ready hard rock and all while never, ever pulling their punches, this is exactly what Portland, Oregon's Unto Others (formerly Idle Hands) have been doing since their inception in 2017.The band is the brainchild of singer songwriter Gabriel Franco (formerly of Spellcaster and Seventh Gate) and to truly understand Unto Others, one must step inside his shoes and walk his journey to this point. Having grown weary with the restrictive scene politics that come with playing in bands circumnavigating rock's underground, Franco made the decision to take a stand, both with the world and himself, to be limitless in both his ambition and his creative endeavors. After completing the task of seeking out and recruiting like-minded conspirators, all roads left to this band. All roads lead to Unto Others.

Following on from their globally critically acclaimed debut album Mana and its equally lauded prior EP, Don't Waste Your Time, as well as successful tours wowing the audiences of King Diamond, Behemoth and more, there is no better showcase for this iron clad mission statement than on their upcoming sophomore album, Strength.
Filled with festival sized riffing and boasting irresistible, inescapable vocal hooks by the truckload, it is a masterclass in showcasing the pinnacle of hard rock's past and not so much hinting at but screaming at a bright and bold new future. Be it the infectious gallop of "Why," the effortless cool strut that emanates from "Downtown," Gabe and Unto Others stared a global pandemic in the face and refused to be beaten into submission. Rather than allowing real world events to swallow them, they built a world of their own. An album that is true escapism.
https://open.spotify.com/artis...https://www.facebook.com/untoo...Terminalist:The crises surround us-from the energy crisis and the war in Ukraine to inflation, inequality and deepening political polarization to the overarching climate and biodiversity crisis. Wherever we look, the world around us is engulfed in a state of crisis.It is this weighty and complex theme that the Danish-American hyperthrashers in Terminalist take up on their sophomore album, 'The Crisis as Condition.' Rooted in 1980s technical thrash metal, they update the socio-political criticism known from the genre's heyday in the late '80s and early '90s-a time that was also characterized by political upheaval, yet marked by a belief in better times ahead.On 'The Crisis as Condition,' this worldview is turned inside out. The optimism of earlier times and faith in progress have been replaced by a bleak and pessimistic realism.Transformation turns to turmoil; the state of emergency is the new normal. Crisis has become a condition.Where the debut album, 'The Great Acceleration,' was a commentary on the (future) space race and the inherently destructive side of technology, 'The Crisis as Condition' is asimultaneously detached and impassioned look at the present. Science fiction fantasies have been shelved in favor of a fierce analysis and castigation of contemporary crisis-ridden society. The future is not what it used to be.This is expressed through hard-hitting and dynamic music rich in detail that has its basis in thrash metal, but which draws parallels to progressive metal and black metal with its intricate rhythms and ambitious songwriting. The lyrical references span far and wide-from Kreator to Margaret Thatcher-and draw on the works and thoughts of philosophers, sociologists, cultural critics, and political scientists such as Francis Fukuyama, Adam Tooze, Mark Fisher, Hartmut Rosa, Paul Virilio, and Mikkel Vedby Rasmussen.https://open.spotify.com/artis...https://www.facebook.com/termi...Archangel:Establishing a skeleton of punk structures, songwriting, and raw energy influenced by acts such as Minor Threat, Good Riddance, AFI, Calabrese, Zombeast, the Offspring, Ramones, Blitzkid, The Lillingtons, and numerous others, and dowsing it with a quite literal heavy dose of Black Sabbath, Type O Negative, and, of course, all things Glenn Danzig, the band sets no boundaries for themselves and can range from being fast, melodic, even poppy, to soul-crushingly heavy.'Total Dark Sublime' - the debut album of Archangel that was released on October 20 2023, will seduce the listener with an energetic, aggressive metal-punk vibe, combined with huge arena rock choruses and memorable and catchy riffs.In an inferno of blood, Archangel creeps both hard-hitting and melodic songs into
Pris: Entré: 160 kr Køb/bestil billet
Spillestedet Stengade Stengade 18, København N
Sheer Mags sensibilitet, som er lige så inderligt elsket af garagerockere og indie-børn, som den er af læder- og nitterloyale punkere, finder sin styrke i en utraditionel blanding af raffineret kompleksitet og ligefrem pop-dygtighed. Med sømløs handel mellem hoveddrejende guitar-helte spil og en charmerende tidløs blanding af disco, hård rock og garagebøjede hooks, har Sheer Mags ofte refererede, aldrig replikerede lyd spillet en unægtelig stor rolle i at stimulere den aktuelle genopblussen af powerpop fremadrettet rockmusik.Koncerten præsenteres i samarbejde med Killtown Bookings og Swamp Bookings. Sheer Mag: Sheer Mag have labored to carve out a discernibly singular position within the canon of contemporary rock: toggling with ease between the refined flourishes of a "connoisseur's band" and the ecstatic colloquialism of populist songwriting-yet displaying no strict loyalty to either camp-their sound, while oft-referenced, is unmistakably and immediately recognizable as theirs alone. On Playing Favorites, Sheer Mag's third full-length and first with Third Man Records, the band capitalize on a decade's worth of devotion to their own collective spirit-a spirit refined in both the sweaty trenches of punk warehouses and the larger-than-life glamour of concert halls-emerging with a dense work of gripping emotions, massive hooks, and masterfully constructed power-pop anthems. Playing Favoritesexpands with a sense of undeniable vitality, buoyed by rock and roll's singular capacity to channel a relentless compassion for human life: as singer Tina Halladay puts it, "Nobody seems to write straight up rock bangers anymore-more than anything else, we want this record to put huge, catchy songwriting front and center." This is the record the Philadelphian rock and roll four-piece has always been destined to make.https://www.facebook.com/Sheer...https://open.spotify.com/artis...https://www.instagram.com/shee...+ Special Guests: The Guilt + Planet YThe Guilt: The Guilt is electro riot grrrl punk from Malmö/Hässleholm, Sweden. No wave disco, electroclash, body punk, it could be many things but mostly it's dancefloor anger management.As sure as ever, fronting the band there is Emma Anitchka(vocals, machines, knives). In 2022 guitarist/bassist Lizzy(ex.Ragata, Arre Arre!) joined after previous band member Tobias left in 2021. Lizzy is known to be a shredding tornado on stage and a remarkable formula1 fact-teller off stage. Together they set a brutal tone for 2024. Think- Bikini Kill meets 2-Unlimited.In 2023 The Guilt released an EP on cassette "Note to Tape '' featuring three original songs but also heavy remixes by buddy-bands like GHLOW, ABU NEIN and 100BLUMEN. The sound of The Guilt has progressed into garage goth ballads as well as 80ties upbeat no wave punkbeats.The Guilt are cranking up the production speed to serve you queer anthems and songs about being a pretty basic witch. If you'd label your fave playlist "Goth riot grrrl electro"- this is for you. If you like to scream while dancing, this is for you!https://open.spotify.com/artis...https://www.facebook.com/theguiltswedenPlanet Y:Catchy Copenhagen Punk Rock, inspired by Scandinavian 70's melancholia, is blended with hints of early West Coast punk rock melodies. This is a beacon in a grey-on-grey city, lighting up the urban landscape with its vibrant energy and rebellious spirit. Each chord strikes will hopefully hit you lower and lower in your depression, drawing from the past while pushing towards new boundaries, in a hopeless new future close to you.. the other side of the "Wonderful" Copenhagenhttps://planetypunk.bandcamp.c...-------------------------------------------------------------------Entry: 160 kr (Limited Amount Early Bird on sale until 29th of February 3pm) / 185 kr normal pre-sale / 200 kr at the door!

Aland Z + Support: TBA

Fredag den 9. august 2024, kl. 20-02.
Pris: Entré: 80 kr Køb/bestil billet
Spillestedet Stengade Stengade 18, København N
Aland Z skaber et musikalsk univers til de misforståede gennem bragende popsange!Aland Z:Aland Z er hypermoderne, nytænkende og unik i pop genren, når han blander00'ernes flamboyante lyd med hans kurdiske rødders toner. Med sin originalitetomfavner Aland Z et bredt felt af lyttere og baner vejen for en ny måde at være popartist på. Temaerne i hans tekster tager udgangspunkt i den lange vej han har gåetfor at få lov at være sig selv - herunder findes elementer af ensomhed, eksklusion ogdiskrimination. Og netop det gør Aland Z op med, ved at skabe et musikalsk universmed plads til alle.I 2020 udgav Aland Z sin debut single 'Shells' som fik over 1.3 million streams påSpotify, hvilket medførte en stor opmærksomhed på den spirende artist. Siden dahar Aland Z brugt alle døgnets timer på musikken, gennem sit forløb på denprestigefyldte skole Danish Songwriting Academy samt i studiet med hansproducere som blandt andet består af Brandon Beal og Mikkel Broch-Lips. Han harperfektioneret sit liveshow gennem diverse optrædener på blandt andet UhørtFestival, ORAs AuditionDays, DPAs kegleaften 2022, RUST, og Villa Kultur.I sommeren 2023 tog Aland Z på tour som korsanger for Drew Sycamore og ser nufrem til en sommer 2024 hvor han skal synge kor for Malte Ebert.Med nye stærke sange i baghånden er Aland Z klar til endnu engang at bydevelkommen ind i hans legende, energiske og performative musik.https://open.spotify.com/artis...https://www.facebook.com/aland...+ Support:TBA-------------------------------------------------------------------Entry: 80 kr (limited amount early bird ticket on sale until 6th of june / 110 kr in pre-sale / 125 kr at the door!

Necrot [US] + Support: TBA

Søndag den 11. august 2024, kl. 20-23.59.
Pris: Entré: 150 kr Køb/bestil billet
Spillestedet Stengade Stengade 18, København N
Den Californiske powertrio Necrot rammer Stengade med deres dødsmetal d. 11 august! Necrot:Necrot continue their ascent to the forefront of American aural extremity, pushing the boundaries of style and continuing to recast metal in their image. Founded by bassist, vocalist and principal songwriter Luca Indrio and drummer Chad Gailey in 2011 - guitarist Sonny Reinhardt joined the next year - the Oakland, California, trio offer Lifeless Birth (in continued collaboration with Tankcrimes) as a culmination of their to-date efforts to encapsulate and push forward the deathly stylings of 2020's Mortal and their 2017 debut, Blood Offerings.
It's not about giving up a ferocity that's helped make them a household name among the converted. Instead, Necrot use that same, by-now-characteristic intensity as the backdrop for an expanded songwriting palette. They've always been a band who stood out. The maturity they show on Lifeless Birth confirms that's been the plan all along. It is a vision of what metal can be and do in 2024, tearing down old barriers and keeping those traditional elements that make it stronger.
Recorded with Grammy-winning producer Greg Wilkinson (who has helmed all three Necrot albums) and mastered by Brad Boatright at Audiosiege, Lifeless Birth
pivots fluidly between technical intricacy, progressive poise and all-out brutality. Scouring lead work will have thrash heads nodding knowingly, and an overarching groove reaches out across the metal microgenres with a righteous call to worship. Its songs are memorable and varied, unpretentious but able to rear up with statelier violence. At the same time, "Drill the Skull," "Cut the Cord," "The Curse" and others prove that just because a song is beating you into the ground doesn't mean it can't also be forward-thinking. Or catchy.
After having their Mortal tour plans scuttled owing to the covid pandemic, family health issues that led Luca, who became a US citizen in 2016 and currently lives in Mexico, to return to Italy for a time canceled what would have been their first tour post-plague. Still, despite this and Chad suffering a broken back, requiring multiple surgeries and intense physical therapy to be able to drum again, period, Luca being struck with Bell's Palsy the night before he was originally due to fly to the studio to record, and Sonny requiring multiple surgeries on his hands in the months since they finished, Necrot charge forward with material distinguished in its real-world point of view and willingness to look beyond extreme metal tropes in lyrics, the melodies of its guitar solos, and unbridled audience engagement. For a collection of songs that feel so much written for the stage, it should be no surprise tours early in 2024 and summer festivals are to be announced.https://www.facebook.com/cycle...https://open.spotify.com/artis...
+ Support: TBA----------------------------------------------------------------------Entry: 150 kr Early Bird Ticket on Sale until 2nd of July / 165 kr in pre-sale / 180 kr at the door!

Exelerate + Spheres [FR] + The Vision Ablaze

Torsdag den 15. august 2024, kl. 20-23.59.
Pris: Entré: 105 kr Køb/bestil billet
Spillestedet Stengade Stengade 18, København N
Kom med til et brag af en metal aften med alt fra prog, post, heavy metal, thrash og melodic mødes i en trekløver hvor Exelerate, The Vision Ablaze og franske Spheres spiller. Spheres: Founded in December 2017 by singer, guitarist and composer Jonathan Lino withJesse Haddad on drums, Clémence Santé on bass and Marco Walczak on guitar,SPHERES is back in the forefront of the scene to make you discover their newalbum: Helios. Their Release Party at L'International, Paris, has been sold out andduring this Tour they performed, among others, at Hellfest Off and Ready For ProgFestival. They opened for band such as Threshold, Freak Kitchen, Hangman'sChair... This summer, they will be playing at Malmöfestivalen in Sweden as part oftheir European tour that includes shows in Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Swedenand their home country, France.If the invitation to spiritual journey and dystopia seem to be the main dimensions ofSPHERES, What strikes the listener is the multitude of contrasts and textures thatinhabit their music: From sharp riffs to ethereal melodies, from clean singing togrowls and screams, the atmosphere oscillates between dream and frenzy...Everything is designed to push the listener's boundaries and invite them to take partin this journey.PROG METAL / HEAVY METAL / POST METALFor Fans of : Gojira, Tool, Opeth, Mastodon, The Ocean, Devin Townsendhttps://www.facebook.com/bands...https://linkr.bio/spheresbandExelerate:Exelerate plays a mix of Power and Thrashmetal with aggressive guitar and powerful vocals. Exelerate combines the sound of fast, aggressive riffs and virtuosic guitar solos with classic power-inspired vocals, which together create a new but recognizable type of metal.The band's strength lies in their combination of their individual musical influences - this creates a cool mix of trash, power and prog metal that together add up to an aggressive yet accessible sound. Exelerate really knows how to start a show, and they give the audience an explosive experience that contains everything that metal entails, so you can look forward to a blast of metal partyhttps://www.facebook.com/Exele...https://open.spotify.com/artis...The Vision Ablaze: Copenhagen-based melodic metal act, THE VISION ABLAZE, set the metal scene ablaze with their sophomore album, 'Embers', in 2022. Fronted by the charismatic Tim Nederveen, the band embarked on a journey of sonic reinvention, infusing their sound with modernity and a heightened sense of brutality, while maintaining their signature haunting melodies.
Since the scorching release of 'Embers', THE VISION ABLAZE has continued to captivate audiences with their energy and style. Their latest offering, the EP 'Visions' features three dynamic tracks, including a daring cover of Radiohead's "Street Spirit". This EP delves deeper into the band's sonic exploration, offering a glimpse into their evolving musical landscape.
While 'Embers' showcased the band's ability to blend aggression with epic, emotionally charged compositions, 'Visions' builds upon this foundation, delving into darker territories while still retaining their melodic allure. With each track, THE VISION ABLAZE demonstrates their commitment to pushing the boundaries of melodic metal, offering fans a tantalizing taste of their evolving sound.
Recorded and produced by the band's own Lars Lerager, the EP serves as a testament to THE VISION ABLAZE's continued evolution and unwavering dedication to their craft. Keep your ears to the ground as they continue to blaze new trails in the realm of melodic metal.https://open.spotify.com/artis...https://www.facebook.com/thevi...----------------------------------------------------------------------Entry: 105 kr in pre-sale / 120 kr at the door!

Dopethrone [CA] + Support: Karavan [NO]

Fredag den 16. august 2024, kl. 20-02.
Pris: Entré: 155 kr Køb/bestil billet
Spillestedet Stengade Stengade 18, København N
Det bliver tung sovset doom og "slutch" aften når Kanadiske Dopethrone besøger Stengade til August! Dopethrone:Dopethrone is a three piece band from Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Active since 2008, this DIY band encompasses the bleakness of black metal, the steadfastness of New Orleans-style sludge, and a heavier-than-thou doom mentality. The riffs are thick, punishing, suffocating and destructive, with lyrics based in self-destruction, murder, cannabis and sleazy drug abuse. The band refers to their music as "Slutch", the canadian term for cold sludge, a.k.a dirty mud snow. They once described it as "frozen sludge, snow covered in crackhead diarrhea, blood, tears and broken dreams".After their second release, the band started drawing some attention to them and were invited by Voivoid at Roadburn 2012. They since haven't stopped growing their audience in Europe, their adoptive land. Since their formation Dopethrone has released five full length studio albums to date, joined some collaborations with other artists and have regularly toured Europe and Canada. After a series of massive tours in 2019, the band has not hit the road since, and focused on the "delicate" baking of their new release. The new effort, to be out early 2024, will come with some North America tours and only a handful of European shows.https://www.facebook.com/dopet...https://dopethrone.bandcamp.co...+ Support: KaravanKaravan was born in 2019, on the south-west Coast of Norway. With a united passion for rumbling fuzz and the mysteries of the universe, creating a dark and cosmic sound inspired by all corners of the doom metal genre.If you combine the influences of bands like Yob, Sleep and Dopethrone with the raw and unforgiving nature of Norway, you'll get a taste of the atmosphere that defines KARAVAN's sound."Karavan takes you on a journey where soaring riffs set the course and punishing drum blasts set the pace. Once you hop on, there's no return. At least not to the previous state of mind as the band's music is a contagious and hypnotic blend. Sonic lobotomy if youwill.https://www.facebook.com/karav...www.karavandoom.bandcamp.com/----------------------------------------------------------------------Entry: 155 kr (limited amount early bird ticket offer until 29.02.24) / 175 kr in pre-sale / 190kr at the door!
Pris: Entré: 130 kr Køb/bestil billet
Spillestedet Stengade Stengade 18, København N
Træd med ind i mørket når britiske Fen besøger Danmark for første gang med deres atmosfæriske post black metal og spiller Stengade sammen med Lysbaerer og Heksproces! Fen:The colour of every FEN album points towards its lyrical and musical content. For the first time in their career, the East Anglian post-black metal trio has used the colour red on the cover artwork of their seventh full-length "Monuments to Absence". FEN describe the album as an expression of anger, hopelessness and despair - anger at the desperate futility of a human species hell-bent on self-destruction. This is reflected in the decidedly harsh and black sound of "Monuments to Absence", which is undoubtedly FEN's most extreme recording to date, even though there are still moments of atmospheric glory, spatial clean sections, heaving doom, and full-blown riffs, which augment the furious expression of rage. FEN took their name from the Fens of East Anglia when the trio formed in 2006. These desolate and bleak landscapes have left a deep mark in the post-black metal sound, which the band pioneered in the UK when the English scene revitalised in the wake of forerunners FOREFATHER with bands such as FEN, WINTERFYLLETH, and WODENSTHRONE coming to the fore. When FEN released their debut full-length "The Malediction Fields" (2009), the band made good on the huge promise of their previous EP "Ancient Sorrow" (2007) by delivering a first album that already combined the black metal tradition elegantly with a dedicated atmospheric twist and gentle experimentation beyond the perceived narrow confines of their genre. With each following full-length, from "Epoch" (2011), via "Dustwalker" (2012), "Carrion Skies" (2014), "Winter" (2017) to "The Dead Light" (2019), FEN have expanded both their musical range and following, while also perfecting their recognisable and unmistakable sound. "Monuments to Absence" marks FEN's welcome return to a dark and fierce sound.https://www.facebook.com/fenof...https://open.spotify.com/artis...Lysbaerer:"Skyerne græder, som jeg har gjort.."
En sær blanding af depression, mørke, grandiositet og kosmisk kaos udgør LYSBAERERs univers. Værket "I: Som et lys i natten, må vi alle finde frelse.." er første del i en trilogi om at rejse mellem livet og døden. Værket besøger tematikker som frygt, mistillid og afsked; alt sammen blandet sammen i massive vægge af lyd. Musikken er lavet med tanken at bearbejde følelser og det at kæmpe kampe, både indre, såvel som ydre, hvilket er udtrykt i tekst, og så vidt muligt ud af musikken lige så.
LYSBAERER er en duo bestående af Jamie de la Sencerie og Thomas Mascagni. Bandet blev dannet med et ønske om at have kreativ frihed til at skrive den musik som inspirerer os. LYSBAERER er beskrevet som post-blackmetal da ønsket for bandets lyd er at have den voldsomme kant som blackmetal har, men samtidig have et ønske om at skubbe det andre steder hen end blot den klassiske blackmetal lyd. LYSBAERER er inspireret af bands som Wiegedod, Wolves In The Throne Room, Groza, Panopticon, Ellende og White Ward.
"I: Som et lys i natten, må vi alle finde frelse.." er blevet mixet og masteret af Christoffer Hildebrandt og cover-grafikken er lavet af Simon Kofoed. Jamie spiller guitar og bas, Thomas spiller guitar, skriver trommer og laver vokal på ovenstående værk.
LYSBAERER arbejder ud fra en do-it-yourself tankegang, med hjælp fra mennesker med tætte relationer til bandet. Da grundstenene for bandet er en duo, er der fundet en live besætning som vil hjælpe med at bringe musikken til livs.https://www.facebook.com/lysba...https://www.instagram.com/lysb... + Heksproces:Heksproces er et nyt, ambitiøst navn på den danske metalscene. I november udkom debut-EP'en 'Ligblomst' masteret af Simon Sonne fra ORM, og i december blev de kåret til "Årets Nye Danske Navn" af Devilution. Siden dannelsen i København i starten af 2022 har de med afsæt i postmetallen udforsket lyden af undergang fra en fjern sump ved den menneskelige civilisations grænse. Lyden er tung og aggressiv, men rummer også følsomme og melodiske elementer i de ofte lange, organiske kompositioner.Selvom Heksproces er nyt, blev bandets rødder lagt helt tilbage i 2011 i en lille fugtig kælder under en bornholmsk folkeskole. Her mødtes en flok teenagedrenge, der sammen udviklede en livslang glæde for knusende guitarriffs og skæve taktarter. Et årti og mange timer i øvelokalet senere er kærligheden til metallen ikke blevet mindre, og nu er de fire heksedoktorer klar til at kaste mørke besværgelser over den københavnske undergrund.Heavymetal.dk skriver: "De rammer melankolien i deres black-metal momenter utroligt godt, og deres post-metal segmenter har også den rigtige vægt og tunghed".Devilution skriver "De tog røven på mig med okkult stemning, progget bevægefrihed, blacket bidskhed og poetisk vovemod. Her er potentiale til noget virkelig

W.i.t.c.h. [zm]

Onsdag den 21. august 2024, kl. 20-23.59.
Pris: Entré: 200 kr Køb/bestil billet
Spillestedet Stengade Stengade 18, København N
Vi glæder os til at byde legendariske W.I.T.C.H. velkommen på Stengade til en aften af Zamrock! For fans af: Goat, Kikagaku Moyo, Wand, Thee Oh Sees, Mdou Moctar.Obs. billetsalg starter fredag d.12 april kl:11W.I.T.C.H. (We Intend To Cause Havoc) were the biggest rock band in Zambia in the 1970s and spearheaded a new genre dubbed Zamrock, fusing influences that ranged from the Rolling Stones to Black Sabbath and James Brown and mixing them with traditional African rhythms and bush village songs. At t the peak of their popularity, the band often needed police to keep fans at bay while their lead singer Jagari - whose name is an Africanisation of Mick Jagger's - riled up crowds by stage diving from balconies and dancing manically as the WITCH's blend of psychedelic rock and African rhythms permeated the surrounding atmosphere.
Jagari is the charismatic sole surviving original member of the band. As Zambia's economy stagnated and the country buckled under the AIDS crisis, WITCH fell apart. Jagari retreated to a life of quasi-anonymity as a university music professor before being wrongfully arrested during Zambia's toughest hour. Now a man in his 60s, he spends his time mining gemstones hoping to strike it rich, until very recently the band being just a nostalgic memory of his youth.
Largely unknown outside of their home country, WITCH finally got the exposure they deserved when Now Again Records reissued their entire discography in 2012. This allowed Jagari to play outside Africa for the first time and for a new generation of fans to discover his music. In 2016 he began a collaboration with Dutch musicians Jacco Gardner and Nic Mauskoviç, and together with them, in September 2017 WITCH headed out on its extremely successful first-ever European Tour. In the Fall of 2019, WITCH embarked on their first North American tour. They return to the states including this show at The Drake on 10/9 following the screening of the documentary at the Amherst Cinema on 9/7.https://weintendtocausehavoc.c...https://open.spotify.com/artis...https://www.instagram.com/wein...--------------------------------------------------------------------Entry: 200 kr (limited amount early-bird ticket on sale until 01st of May or sold out) / 220 kr in pre-sale / 240 kr at the door!

Cobra Spell [INT] + Support: TBA

Fredag den 23. august 2024, kl. 20-02.
Pris: Entré: 160 kr Køb/bestil billet
Spillestedet Stengade Stengade 18, København N
Det bliver 80'er glamrock, sleaze og heavy metal centreret om kærlighed, sex og rebellion når Sonia Anubis's (Ex. Crypta, Ex. Burning Witches) nye band Cobra Spell rammer Stengade til August!Cobra Spell:COBRA SPELL aims for world domination with their devilish 80s metallic rock inspired debut, 666! International sleaze rock quintet COBRA SPELL strike with their debut album, 666, out December 1, 2023 via Napalm Records! Founded in 2019 by up-and-coming guitar phenomenon Sonia Anubis (ex-CRYPTA, ex-BURNING WITCHES), the band's current lineup is completed by Kristina Vega on vocals, Twitch Streamer Noelle dos Anjos on guitar, Hale Naphtha on drums and Roxy Herrera on bass. Together they have already toured with numerous established bands such as ROSS THE BOSS, ENFORCER and EVIL INVADERS, and released two globally praised EPs, Love Venom (2020) and Anthems Of The Night (2022). With these aces under their studded leather belts, COBRA SPELL now introduce their first full-length, aiming for nothing less than 80s rock 'n' roll world domination. A heavily classic rock inspired intro track paves the way for the energetic first single "S.E.X.", which is centered around Kristina Vega's sky-high vocals. The essence of 666 is without a doubt untamable and unapologetic feminine power, refreshingly twisting typical lyrical themes of 80s sleaze metal - particularly present on tracks like "Satan Is a Woman" and "Bad Girl Crew". COBRA SPELL don't limit themselves to glam rock and heavy metal clichés with their instrumentation either - from tingling synths to a groovy saxophone solo on "Love = Love", the band skillfully combines different 80s-inspired soundscapes. COBRA SPELL's songwriting skills especially shine on catchy future hit "The Devil Inside of Me" and emotional "Fly Away" - the latter representing one of the slower songs on the album. Mesmerizing melodies and absorbing drum patterns are topped off by raspy rock 'n' roll vocals on the W.A.S.P.-inspired anthem of runaways and rebels, "Warrior From Hell", before shredding "High on Love" wraps the album up on an uplifting note. COBRA SPELL's ambitious, smoking hot debut attack, 666, showcases the undisputable talent of the outfit, and is sure to settle the rising rockers' standing in the scene. These fierce ladies take no prisoners and are now ready to take on all stages worldwide, with a hunger to put on a show that will leave audiences around the globe bewitched, speechless and begging for more.https://www.facebook.com/cobra...

+ Support: TBA
Entry: 160 kr in pre-sale / 180 kr at the door!

The Luna Riot Ball Vol.6 - Motörqueens [IT]

Lørdag den 24. august 2024, kl. 19-02.
Pris: Entré: 140 kr Køb/bestil billet
Spillestedet Stengade Stengade 18, København N
The Luna Riot Ball Vol.6 - Skate Session. Filthy and Free, for Equality and Supporting Minorities. Blågårdsplads 13 - 19. Skate session in collaboration with It's Obviously. 3 concerts and DJs. This year we will also have a creative art flea market and other surprises.
After Party at Spillestedet Stengade 19-02
Food truck.
2 concerts.Lineup: Motörqueens + TBAMotörqueens: Motörqueens is the first and unique female tribute to Motörhead over Europe.https://www.facebook.com/motorqueens
Skate movie on the first floor, setup by Its Obviously.
Tombola and a tattoo both.
Savage DJ Dance Party.
The Luna Riot Ball Vol. 6 Cassette Tape Release.
We celebrate fierceness! And that your gender doesn't define how much you can fill up the room, how wild, loud, squealing, dirty, primitive, raw you are!
The association The Luna Riot Ball, is a feminist rock festival, it focuses on creating events that has a safe venue for women, transgender and non-binary people who have a place in the rock music environment.
Skater girl art by Electrictattooing
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