Irish Wooden Flute workshop - Brendan Mulholland


This is an Irish wooden flute workshop for flute players wishing to learn more about Irish music and the instrument. Tunes will also be taught. Brendan will accomodate students at various levels..

Brendan is widely regarded as one of the finest exponents of the Irish Wooden Flute throughout the world of folk and traditional music both at home and abroad. Brendan brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to his flute workshop. Combine this with great humour, encouragement and many stories about the tunes along the way, it makes for a very informative, relaxed and enjoyable experience

Metronomen, Godthåbsvej 33, Frederiksberg

Søndag den 20. oktober 2024 , kl. 10.14.

Pris: (Entré: Workshop 300 kr)

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