English guided tour of Malergården


The Artist Paradise..

Come and experience the unique atmosphere of the Artist Family Swane's authentic residence built in the 1930's. Hear about the life and happenings of the family's time in picturesque natural surroundings with sweeping views of Lammefjorden.

The artist Sigurd Swane and his wife Agnete dreamt of creating their own paradise in the countryside of Odsherred with their three children Hanne, Gerda and Henrik. A self-sustaining existence for the couple and their three children focused on the creation of art and being at one with nature

Malergården, Plejerupvej 10, Plejerup, Grevinge

Tirsdag den 27. august 2024 , kl. 14-14.45.

Pris: (Entré: English guided tour of Malergården: 130 kr)

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