Keep it safe


A moving performance. Aldersgruppe: Fra 6 år. Varighed: 35 min uden pause..

Keep it safe is a moving performance by React Public Performances. The performers interact and play with the flow and movement of a small crowd, testing the possibilities of the relation between audience and performers, welcoming and inviting interactions in a dynamic but safe environment. We move the audience with us, questioning not only the rules and social norms of a crowd but also the concepts of group influence, individual choices and eagerness for fun.
Keep it safe is easy to adapt to very different settings and it is suitable and fun for all ages

Medvirkende: Alex Nagy, Annu Ronkainen, Anton Lejon, Rodrigo Vilarinho, Tiina Lethimäki, Oriane Paras

Wiibroes Plads, Stengade, Helsingør

Torsdag den 1. august 2024 , kl. 12 & 15.30.

Pris: (Entré)

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