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Billie eilish: hit me hard and soft: the tour
Hvor: Royal Arena, Hannemanns Allé 18-20, København S
Hvornår: Mandag den 28. april 2025, kl. 19.
Pris: Entré: 494-2904 kr - køb billet
Royal Arena.

Dette arrangement sælges med billetter som mobile billetter KUN mobile billetter. Du viser billetterne på din mobil, når du skal have dem scannet til arrangementet.

Download vores Ticketmaster app eller log på Min Profil på ticketmaster.dk for at se dine billetter.

Billie Eilish will continue her long-standing partnership with environmental nonprofit

REVERB on this tour. Building on the success of previous sustainability efforts, this tour will focus on reducing greenhouse gas pollution, decreasing single-use plastic waste, supporting climate action, and updating concession offerings to promote and encourage plant-based food options with Support+Feed and other not-for-profit organizations.

Max. 4 billetter pr. kunde.
Aldersgrænse: Ingen


Læs mere på www.livenation.dk

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