Italiensk Folkekøkken - Middag, Alice Carreri & Italodisco DJ's
Forbrændingen, Vognporten 11, Albertslund
Hvornår: Fredag den 9. maj 2025, kl. 18-23.
Pris: Entré: 125-225 kr
køb billet
May 9th will be a big Italian party at Forbrændingen!
The evening will include a delicious Italian dinner cooked by our very own Levi Luna, Italian Pilsners from our local microbrewery Slowburn, sweet tunes from Alice Carreri, and then an afterparty with Italodisco and good vibes.
The perfect occasion to cure your homesickness from the motherland for all Italians living in Copenhagen. Or an opportunity for Danes and others to experience a real Italian dinner.
Ci vediamo!
Venue: Forbrændingen, Vognporten 11, 2620 Albertslund
Dinner + Afterparty tickets: 225 DKK
Only afterparty tickets: 125 DKK