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Sandblæsning / Sandblasting - dekorér et glas
Sandblæsning / Sandblasting - dekorér et glas
Hvor: Glas - Museet for glaskunst, Strandvejen 8, Ebeltoft
Hvornår: Fredag den 26. juli 2024, kl. 10-16.
Pris: Entré: 100 kr - køb billet

Brug tiden til at gå på opdagelse i udstillingerne og haven.

Du kan deltage i sandblæsning i tidsrummet kl. 10-16. Du bestemmer selv, hvornår du vil lave dit glas - du skal dog være færdig inden kl. 16.

Billetten inkluderer ikke entré til museet. Der betales entré ved ankomst.


Decorate a drinking glass with stickers of your own choice. The glass will be sandblasted in the studio and then you can take the finished glass home. Please note that it can take up to 30 minutes before your glass is ready. Use the time to explore the exhibitions or play in the garden.

You can participate in sandblasting between 10am-4pm. You decide when you would like to make your glass - however, you must be finished before 4pm.

The ticket does not include admission to the museum. Admission is paid on arrival

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