Alle forestillinger

DnD Meet Up
18 Mar, kl. 18:00

DnD Meet Up

Are you a seasoned DnD'er or merely curious about the world of table-top role playing games?
Tisdag 18 mars 2025
Huset Esbjerg
Are you a seasoned DnD'er or merely curious about the world of table-top role playing games?
Is all you need a group to play with or do you want to exchange ideas and nerd out on world building?

No matter what - we've got you!

At DnD meet ups we don't actually play - we DO have dice stacking tournaments, workshops, dungeon master speed dating sessions and many more activities.

We hope to see you at Huset. No experience needed
Tisdag 18 mars 2025, kl. 18:00.
Fri entré
Huset Esbjerg, Finsensgade 1, Esbjerg