Arkiv: Overstået event
Tivolis Koncertsal

Vesterbrogade 3, København V

Sonntag 23. Februar 2025, 15.


The Lord of The Rings & The Hobbit in concert

The hobbits are coming! Experience the best music from "The Lord of the Rings", "The Hobbit" and "The War of the Rohirrim" for the first time - presented by a star guest from the films!

Enjoy the unique musical world of J.R.R. Tolkien in a magnificent concert featuring the voice of legendary Saruman actor Sir Christopher Lee and the Orchestra and Choir of the Shire: From the menacing sounds of Mordor and the shrill attack of the Black Riders to the beautiful, lyrical melodies of the Elves. Brand new: The music from "The War of the Rohirrimi", the new LOTR film and prequel to "The Two Towers"!

A star guest from the films presents the best music from "The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit & War of the Rohirrim - The Concert." Get your tickets now while they are available.

Hobbitterne kommer!! Oplev den bedste musik fra »The Lord of the Rings«, »The Hobbit« »The War of the Rohirrim« for første gang - præsenteret af en stjernegæst fra filmene! Nyd J.R.R. Tolkiens unikke musikalske verden i en storslået koncert, med den legendariske Saruman-skuespiller Sir Christopher Lees stemme Herredets Orkester Kor: Fra Mordors truende lyde de sorte rytteres skingre angreb, til elvernes smukke, lyriske melodier. Helt nyt: Musikken fra »The War of the Rohirrimi«, den nye LOTR-film forgængeren til »De to tårne«! En stjernegæst fra filmene præsenterer den bedste musik fra »The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit & War of the Rohirrim - The Concert«. Køb dine billetter nu, mens de er tilgængelige.
