Arkiv: Overstået event
Koncertkirken, Blågårds Plads

Blågårds Plads 6A, København N

Samstag 29. Juni 2024, 19-21.30.


Active Soul Voice® Soundhealing Concert in Koncertkirken

Danish kroner. Launching an Active Soul Voice® Sound Healing Concert in 'Koncertkirken' Copenhagen. doors open at 19.00 - concert begins 19.30. NOTE: Bring water, yoga-mat and blanket, create your space.

19.00 - 21.30
The concert is being streamed, here is another link for tickets
In Danish below.
Come and join us in an experiential sound healing concert where you can relax into an experience of receiving the sounds from the performance with a possibility to participate in a part of this journey.
You can participate no matter your background : 'If you have a voice you can sing and sound ~ come and play!
Poems will be interwoven into the sound healing 'songs' which will support the audience to listen more deeply and to explore a liberation of expression with your own voice.
An uplifting experience of listening and embodiment including activation of your own unique voice frequencies in a safe, relaxed and guided environment
The sounds that are expressed are not necessarily harmonious and can go into dissonant sounding. 'It is not possible to express a wrong sound or a false note; all sounds and tones have a message for you.'
It is our intention to allow this unique inner journey to open the audience to a greater sense of self, in unity, joy, peace and wholeness.
There will be an opportunity for sharing the experience after the concert.
An unforgettable Soul Voice® Experience for 'open-minded-souls'.
About Karina:
Founder of the Soul Voice® method, Karina Schelde, is an internationally acclaimed pioneer in her field and with an indomitable spirit, using the human voice as the ultimate instrument for personal development, for over four decades
Concert is being guided by:
Karina Schelde, founder of the Soul Voice® method, international presenter & facilitator
Astrid Nora, professional singer, composer and musician. Soul Voice® practitioner in training.
Yasmin Elvira Steenholdt, professional singer and certified Soul Voice® practitioner.
Asger Johannes Steenholdt, professional musician and psychotherapist
Statements from participants:
A magical experience, got so much space in my body and soul. I could feel I let go
I was with people I didn't know, after we gave sound we gave hugs, and I now feel hope for the world.
A deep feeling of connectedness without words
NOTE: Medbring yoga-måtte, tæppe, evt pude til dit space, og en flaske vand
Kom til en helt unik oplevelse: den første "Active Soul Voice® Sound Healing Concert" i Koncertkirken.En interaktiv koncert, hvor hvert "nummer" er opdelt i 6 faser, og hvor vi sammen "giver lyd" til "Poems", guidet hele vejen af Karina Schelde.
Du lytter først og modtager lyd, dernæst giver du selv lyd sammen med alle deltagerne, og som afslutning kan du læne dig ind i stilheden. De "Poems" vi arbejder med er bekræftende intentioner,der inspirerer os til at åbne vores stemmer - sammen. Ingen lyd er forkert, alle har en tone, og du kan også være med!
Grundlæggeren af Soul Voice®, Karina Schelde, har over 40 års erfaring med stemmen som dit instrument til at balancere og heale dig selv. Læs mere om Karina og hendes globale arbejde her faciliteres og guides af:
Karina Schelde, founder of the Soul Voice® method, international presenter & facilitator
Astrid Nora, professional singer, composer and musician. Soul Voice® practitioner in training.
Yasmin Elvira Steenholdt, professional singer and certified Soul Voice® practitioner.
Asger Johannes Steenholdt, professional musician and psychotherapist.

Eintritt: 180 kr