Musikkens Hus

Musikkens Plads 1, Aalborg

Samstag 23. November 2024, 20-22.15.


Grand Finale 6th Aalborg International Guitar Competition - Category I

Grand Finale 6. Aalborg International Guitar Competition 2024.GRAND FINALE er 3 runde i konkurrencen og her præsenteres4 - 5 unge solister på internationalt niveau.GRAND FINALE is 3 rounds in the competition and here 4 - 5 young soloists present at an.

International level.Klassisk Sal, Musikkens Hus, Musikkens Plads 1, 9000 Aalborg.Kun 40 pladser/only 40 seats.Billetpriser:
Forslag:Standard : kr. 100,-Ved indgangen: Standard: kr. kr. 150,-Studerende og personale ved Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium har gratis adgang.Students and staff at the Jutland Conservatory of Music have free access.
DELTAGER REGISTRERINGS DEADLINE 1. November 2024. (English see below)
Konkurrence vilkår og tilmelding.Se:

Deltagergebyr i Konkurrencen: kr. 1800,-Participantfee: (250 euro)Tilmeldingsfrist 1. Oktober 2024.
Konkurrencen er organiseret af foreningen: Aalborg Guitar Festival og Konkurrencer.Priser for mere end 8000 euro (begge kategorier). Professionel videosession hos Siccas Guitars, video session hos The Hideout Studio, CD release at, Koncerter i 2025 og meget mere.
Konkurrencen er åben for klassiske guitarister fra alle lande.Universitets- og Konservatorieuddannede eller professionelle guitarister.Maksimum alder ved starten af konkurrencen 35 år.
Regler, betingelser og tilmelding:www.aalborgguitarfestival.comENGLISH:The competition is organized by the society: "Aalborg Guitar Festival & Competitions"REGISTRERINGS DEADLINE November 1st. 2024Competition terms and registration:www.aalborggutiarfestival.comThis year with prizes for in excess of 9000 euro (both categories)Video seccion at Siccas Guitars.Video Session at the Hideout Studio, Online CD release at and much more.

Conditions of participation in Category I:The Aalborg Guitar Competition is open to classical guitarists of all countriesUniversity or Conservatory students or professional players.Maximum age of 35 by the start of the competition.Rules, regulations and

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