Bomber Bar Motala

Prästgatan 3, Motala

Donnerstag 3. Juli 2025 bis Sonntag 6. Juli 2025, 15-02.


Bomber Fest

Bomber Fest! (3-5 juli) dagars fest i hårdrockens tecken! Early bird finns! Vi är glada att kunna välkomna första bandet till Bomber fest, ERADICATED! ERADIKATED:.

Eradikated play thrash metal like it's supposed to sound - hard, fast and mean. Their sound may have
its roots in the 80's Bay Area scene, but Eradikated is no retro act. They play their own modern version of thrash metal and their performance is always about high energy, full throttle and intense attack.

Vi kommer annonsera band löpande så kom ihåg att följa oss på sociala medier!

Eintritt: 550-850 kr

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