Arkiv: Overstået event
Studenterhus Aarhus

Nordre Ringgade 3, Aarhus C

Dienstag 16. April 2024 bis Dienstag 4. Juni 2024, 17-19.

Veranstalter: Frivilligcenter Aarhus


Expression of Interest: English Group Sessions

The group sessions provide a space for conversation where you can share experiences with other young people in similar situations.

Group sessions are communities for young people who come together to discuss topics they have in common. Here, you have the opportunity to exchange experiences and express thoughts and feelings, as well as the chance to listen to and learn from others. There is complete confidentiality within the group.

The group is led by a dedicated volunteer who enures that everyone gets a chance to speak and keeps the discussion focused on the chosen topic of the day . The group selects the topics together. During the sessions, each participant takes turns sharing their experiences and thoughts related to the topic.

Ideas for topics could include:
  • Performance pressure and how to deal with expectations

  • How to express emotional struggles openly and comfortably

  • Body and societal norms

  • Being on sick leave/unemployed/taking a break from work or education

  • Anxiety and depression

  • Gender, identity, and sexuality

  • Conflict in close relationships

To participate you must be:
  • Aged 20-26

  • Willing and capable of participating and functioning within a group of 6-8 participants

  • Open to sharing your experiences, actively listening to others, and respecting what others share

Time and place:

The group will gather every Tuesday between 5 and 7 p.m. for a duration of 8 weeks starting on April 16th. The sessions will take place at Studenterhus Aarhus, Nordre Ringgade 3, 8000 Aarhus C.

It's important that you are able to attend all sessions because the program is structured around interrelated topics and aims to build a tight-knit community within the group. Participation is free of charge.


Following this, you will receive an invitation to an initial conversation, during which we will figure out together whether the group is a good fit for you.

If you're reaching out on behalf of someone else, please ensure to provide their information rather than your own. You can note this in the comment field if necessary.