Fill your heart with love through Kiirtan. More information soon in our website
Fill your heart with love through Kiirtan
The theme of our Spring Retreat is "Kiirtan," the combination of mantra chanting and spiritual dance that is one of the main practices of Ananda Marga. Kiirtan fills the heart with love, helps transcend the ego, and has a soothing and healing effect on everyone who participates, as well as on the surrounding environment. It is one of the best antidotes for anxiety, fear, and worry and helps greatly in meditation. Kiirtan is woven into all the programs of the day.
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Fill your heart with love through Kiirtan
The theme of our Spring Retreat is "Kiirtan," the combination of mantra chanting and spiritual dance that is one of the main practices of Ananda Marga. Kiirtan fills the heart with love, helps transcend the ego, and has a soothing and healing effect on everyone who participates, as well as on the surrounding environment. It is one of the best antidotes for anxiety, fear, and worry and helps greatly in meditation. Kiirtan is woven into all the programs of the day.
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Eintritt: 1920 kr