First aid - for Babies & Toddlers (in English). Kulturcenter Kildevæld torsdag 24/4-25 kl. 10-13. How to help a baby or small child in an emergency. Prevent most accidents in daily life - and be prepared for those, that happen anyway.
The instructor uses her experience and knowledge as a health professional to teach you selected theory themes.
We spend plenty of time practicing in small groups, using special Junior & Baby CPR manikins.
You learn with your body - not only with your ears.
All participants/couples will get a first aid book (English).
The 4 steps of first aid
Assessment of consciousness & breathing
CPR for babies and small children (we practice thoroughly!)
Recovery position
Call for the right kind of help - at the right time
How to use an AED
Prevention of & first aid for:
Choking and other kinds of blocked airways (we practice thoroughly!)
Plus a short overview of the following themes
How to recognize signs of serious infection
Poisoning and corrosive injury
Fever cramps (and other kinds of seizures)
Bleeding cuts and wounds
This course is for (grand)parents and others with an interest in the subject.
Sign up is pr. adult.
You are allowed to bring a baby (0-12 months) at no extra cost. You don't have to bring the baby (you will probably be more focused and learn more if you don't), but the baby is absolutely welcome :-).
You are also welcome during pregnancy!
Practical info
Thursday April 24 - 10.00-13.00
Course will be 3 hours of teaching incl. a short break.
This course is in English.
We will be in Kultursalen, ground floor, in Kildevæld Kulturcenter. Strollers are welcome in the room.
Please bring:
Yoga mat or similar
Snacks etc.
My CPR manikins can give feedback to your mobile devise. I recommend downloading the app. QCPR from Laerdal in advance. It's available for free in Google Play & Apple's App Store.
You are welcome to contact the instructor, Marianne Mogensen:
Marianne is a First aid instructor, certified by Dansk Førstehjælpsråd.
She is a physiotherapist, ergonomics teacher and motor skills instructor.
In the past she was also a sergeant in the Danish Civil Defense (eg. passed the exam as a firefighter).
Marianne is the author of the books Efter fødsel - Træning & babyleg (After birth - Exercises & babygames) and Ergonomi - Forflytnings- og arbejdsteknik (Ergonomics - transfertechniques, mostly for nurses). She published the DVD Mavedans for Gravide.
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The instructor uses her experience and knowledge as a health professional to teach you selected theory themes.
We spend plenty of time practicing in small groups, using special Junior & Baby CPR manikins.
You learn with your body - not only with your ears.
All participants/couples will get a first aid book (English).
The 4 steps of first aid
Assessment of consciousness & breathing
CPR for babies and small children (we practice thoroughly!)
Recovery position
Call for the right kind of help - at the right time
How to use an AED
Prevention of & first aid for:
Choking and other kinds of blocked airways (we practice thoroughly!)
Plus a short overview of the following themes
How to recognize signs of serious infection
Poisoning and corrosive injury
Fever cramps (and other kinds of seizures)
Bleeding cuts and wounds
This course is for (grand)parents and others with an interest in the subject.
Sign up is pr. adult.
You are allowed to bring a baby (0-12 months) at no extra cost. You don't have to bring the baby (you will probably be more focused and learn more if you don't), but the baby is absolutely welcome :-).
You are also welcome during pregnancy!
Practical info
Thursday April 24 - 10.00-13.00
Course will be 3 hours of teaching incl. a short break.
This course is in English.
We will be in Kultursalen, ground floor, in Kildevæld Kulturcenter. Strollers are welcome in the room.
Please bring:
Yoga mat or similar
Snacks etc.
My CPR manikins can give feedback to your mobile devise. I recommend downloading the app. QCPR from Laerdal in advance. It's available for free in Google Play & Apple's App Store.
You are welcome to contact the instructor, Marianne Mogensen:
Marianne is a First aid instructor, certified by Dansk Førstehjælpsråd.
She is a physiotherapist, ergonomics teacher and motor skills instructor.
In the past she was also a sergeant in the Danish Civil Defense (eg. passed the exam as a firefighter).
Marianne is the author of the books Efter fødsel - Træning & babyleg (After birth - Exercises & babygames) and Ergonomi - Forflytnings- og arbejdsteknik (Ergonomics - transfertechniques, mostly for nurses). She published the DVD Mavedans for Gravide.
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