Arkiv: Overstået event
Kirkeskibet 2450

Topstykket 20, København SV

Freitag 31. Januar 2025, 11.30.


Health nurses at the Church Ship - Sleep

Health nurses from Københavns Kommune visit the Playroom on the last Friday of each month from 11:30 to 12:30 with a presentation on a specific topic.

The presentations are based on recommendations from the Danish Health Authority and the nurses' professional experiences. Upcoming themes Sleep January 31, 2025, at 11:30: Learn about infant sleep patterns, age-specific needs and how to recognize sleep readiness. Get the latest insights and tips for helping your baby sleep well. Transition from breast milk to solid foods February 28, 2025, at 11:30: Discover when and how to introduce solid foods to your baby between 4-6 months. Get practical advice on what foods to choose, meal functions and establishing good eating habits. Children's emotional development March28, 2025, at 11:30: Discover the connection between emotional and pre-linguistic development, understanding your newborn and handling difficult emotions. Get ideas on how to support your child's emotional development and how to build a secure bond. Motor skills April 25, 2025, at 11:30: Explore the senses crucial for good motor development with practical exercises. Note: This is the last presentation before the Christmas holidays. Sleep May 23, 2025, at 11:30: Learn about infant sleep patterns, age-specific needs and how to recognize sleep readiness. Get the latest insights and tips for helping your baby sleep well. Transition from breast milk to solid foods June 20, 2025, at 11:30: Discover when and how to introduce solid foods to your baby between 4-6 months. Get practical advice on what foods to choose, meal functions and establishing good eating habits. Free entrance.