Doors 18:30 // On stage 19:00 // 60min // ENG. The social medias mirroring effect multiplies our desires and inhibitions, directing our attention to a place where we succumb to our own becoming.
In the work Haunted desires, three white gay men delve into their own self-image, looking into the things they look at too much. Focusing on their screens and our seemingly hysterical obsession with coveted material and bodies. Here, the choreography delves into, infiltrates, and transforms the material that is constantly washing over us. From this, a dance is born, three beings baptized in arbitrary algorithms and abandoned in a place where all they can do is practice their own language.
In Haunted desires, Björn Säfsten delves further into man's constant failures with communication and the impact these failures have on the individual. The work centers specifically on iconography created by men seeking to be desired by other men and the dancers explore whatever the algorithms constantly throw at them. The piece was created by having the dancers randomly select clips from their social media algorithms, which are now exposed on stage. Here, the autobiographical blends with the fictional, the sought-after with the real, in a mishmash of exposed, haunted desire. Do we have to become what we desire?
Choreography: Björn Säfsten, in close collaboration with the dancers
Dancers: Pär Andersson, Philip Berlin and Sam Huczkowski
Music: Victor Saiz
Lighting: Jonatan Winbo
Set design: Björn Säfsten and Jonatan Winbo
Supported by the Swedish Arts Council, the Swedish Arts Grants Committee, the City of Stockholm, and Region Stockholm
Co-produced by Inkonst
Created in residence at La Caldera Centre de Creació de Dansa Barcelona.
In the work Haunted desires, three white gay men delve into their own self-image, looking into the things they look at too much. Focusing on their screens and our seemingly hysterical obsession with coveted material and bodies. Here, the choreography delves into, infiltrates, and transforms the material that is constantly washing over us. From this, a dance is born, three beings baptized in arbitrary algorithms and abandoned in a place where all they can do is practice their own language.
In Haunted desires, Björn Säfsten delves further into man's constant failures with communication and the impact these failures have on the individual. The work centers specifically on iconography created by men seeking to be desired by other men and the dancers explore whatever the algorithms constantly throw at them. The piece was created by having the dancers randomly select clips from their social media algorithms, which are now exposed on stage. Here, the autobiographical blends with the fictional, the sought-after with the real, in a mishmash of exposed, haunted desire. Do we have to become what we desire?
Choreography: Björn Säfsten, in close collaboration with the dancers
Dancers: Pär Andersson, Philip Berlin and Sam Huczkowski
Music: Victor Saiz
Lighting: Jonatan Winbo
Set design: Björn Säfsten and Jonatan Winbo
Supported by the Swedish Arts Council, the Swedish Arts Grants Committee, the City of Stockholm, and Region Stockholm
Co-produced by Inkonst
Created in residence at La Caldera Centre de Creació de Dansa Barcelona.
Eintritt: 0-250 kr