Arkiv: Overstået event

Dirch Passers Allé 4, Frederiksberg

Donnerstag 28. November 2024, 19:00.


MINU 2024 | Yrttitarha

MINU_festival for expanded music | Yrttitarha | 28.11 19.00 | Ku.Be.

Yrttitarha is a concert installation for performer and herbs. The performer cares for, observes, cherishes, enjoys, and utilizes an herb garden that is spread through the space. The atmosphere of the installation fluctuates from intimate moments of quiet connection to more industrial, detached scenes, exploring the various scales and meanings associated with growth. The piece reflects on how we communicate with other species and consider the balance between taking care of oneself and taking care of others.

Tytti Arola [composer, performer]
Kalle Hakosalo [performer]

Festival pass: 150 kr
Festival pass+1: 200 kr [invite whoever you want: it can be different people for different events]

MINU 2024 is realised with support from Nordisk Kulturfond, Statens Kunstfond, Ernst Von Siemens Musikstiftung, Det Obelske Familiefond, A. P. Møller Fonden, William Demant, Augustinus, Frederiksberg Fonden, KODA Kultur, Louis-Hansens Fond, Art Music Denmark, Frederiksberg Kommune, Københavns Kommune, Madetoja Foundation, DMF & Solistforeningen af 1921.

Eintritt: 150 kr

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