Denne uruguayansk/brasilianske duo er i sand verdensklasse. Både når det handler om det tekniske, men i særdeleshed også deres smag for musikken og måden, de folder den ud på.
De to musikere står for et repertoire, der på smukkeste vis blander klassisk guitarspil med sydamerikansk fyrighed, passion og sublim improvisation og foranderlighed som vi kender det fra jazz. Samtidig oplever man to musikere der tydeligt synes at det er vidunderligt at spille musik ? og med hinanden. Line-up: Cecilia Siqueira ? guitar Fernando de Lima ? guitar This Uruguayan/Brazilian duo is truly world-class. Both when it comes to the technical aspects, but especially their taste for music and the way they unfold it. The two musicians represent a repertoire that beautifully blends classical guitar playing with South American fervor, passion and sublime improvisation and changeability as we know it from jazz. At the same time, you experience two musicians who clearly think it is wonderful to play music ? and with each other.
Eintrittskarten kaufen/bestellen
De to musikere står for et repertoire, der på smukkeste vis blander klassisk guitarspil med sydamerikansk fyrighed, passion og sublim improvisation og foranderlighed som vi kender det fra jazz. Samtidig oplever man to musikere der tydeligt synes at det er vidunderligt at spille musik ? og med hinanden. Line-up: Cecilia Siqueira ? guitar Fernando de Lima ? guitar This Uruguayan/Brazilian duo is truly world-class. Both when it comes to the technical aspects, but especially their taste for music and the way they unfold it. The two musicians represent a repertoire that beautifully blends classical guitar playing with South American fervor, passion and sublime improvisation and changeability as we know it from jazz. At the same time, you experience two musicians who clearly think it is wonderful to play music ? and with each other.
Eintritt: 360 kr + evt. gebyr