En selvironisk cloudrap-duo et dysters rock-univers. To stærke navne præsenteres d. 13. februar! Læs mere, find din billet herunder! (English below).
X Forsalg: 85 kr. (+gebyr)
x Dørsalg: 110 kr. (+gebyr)
x Dato: 13.02.2025
x Døre: 20.00
x Koncerter begynder: 20.30
x Sted: GARAGEN, URBAN 13 (indendørs)
2tiltango (English below)
2tiltango er en duo bestående af de unge rappere Shamona Funkybob. Med produceren fabian.pirs flair for synths housebeats leverer de euforiske, kreative melodier stærke tekster med et strejf af selvironi.
Deres unikke blanding af cloudrap 4 i gulvet gør, at ingen kan stå stille, når de træder op på en scene.
2tiltango is a duo consisting of young rappers Shamona and Funkybob. With producer fabian.pir's flair for synths and house beats, they deliver euphoric, creative melodies and strong lyrics with a touch of self-irony.
Their unique mix of cloud rap and 4 to the floor means that no one can stand still when they step on stage.
Arko & the Guest House (English below)
Arko & the Guest House er aktuelle med deres debut EP "BTSV" - en koncept EP som udforsker menneskets skyggesider igennem dyster lyrik et mørkt lydunivers. "BTSV" er kort for Beneath the Seventh Veil, EP'en tager således udgangspunkt i menneskets drifter alt det man gemmer "under det syvende slør".
Dunkle fortællinger om lyssky karakterer danner rammen for teksterne, med inspiration fra folk musik den alternative rock, leverer Arko & the Guest House på debut EP'en "BTSV" et unikt bidrag til den danske rockscene.
Det alternative rockband består af Silas Helbro, Markus Phillipsen, Konrad Kristensen Jens-Christian Sørensen, som sammen danner orkestret The Guest House af frontmand Mathias Rasmussen, som går under kunstnernavnet Arko.
Arko & the Guest House are currently working on their debut EP "BTSV" - a concept EP that explores the dark side of humanity through dark lyrics and a dark sound universe. "BTSV" is short for Beneath the Seventh Veil, and the EP is based on human desires and everything that is hidden "under the seventh veil".
Dark stories about shady characters form the framework for the lyrics, and with inspiration from folk music and alternative rock, Arko & the Guest House delivers a unique contribution to the Danish rock scene on their debut EP "BTSV".
The alternative rock band consists of Silas Helbro, Markus Phillipsen, Konrad Kristensen and Jens-Christian Sørensen, who together form the orchestra The Guest House, and frontman Mathias Rasmussen, who goes by the stage name Arko.
X Forsalg: 85 kr. (+gebyr)
x Dørsalg: 110 kr. (+gebyr)
x Dato: 13.02.2025
x Døre: 20.00
x Koncerter begynder: 20.30
x Sted: GARAGEN, URBAN 13 (indendørs)
2tiltango (English below)
2tiltango er en duo bestående af de unge rappere Shamona Funkybob. Med produceren fabian.pirs flair for synths housebeats leverer de euforiske, kreative melodier stærke tekster med et strejf af selvironi.
Deres unikke blanding af cloudrap 4 i gulvet gør, at ingen kan stå stille, når de træder op på en scene.
2tiltango is a duo consisting of young rappers Shamona and Funkybob. With producer fabian.pir's flair for synths and house beats, they deliver euphoric, creative melodies and strong lyrics with a touch of self-irony.
Their unique mix of cloud rap and 4 to the floor means that no one can stand still when they step on stage.
Arko & the Guest House (English below)
Arko & the Guest House er aktuelle med deres debut EP "BTSV" - en koncept EP som udforsker menneskets skyggesider igennem dyster lyrik et mørkt lydunivers. "BTSV" er kort for Beneath the Seventh Veil, EP'en tager således udgangspunkt i menneskets drifter alt det man gemmer "under det syvende slør".
Dunkle fortællinger om lyssky karakterer danner rammen for teksterne, med inspiration fra folk musik den alternative rock, leverer Arko & the Guest House på debut EP'en "BTSV" et unikt bidrag til den danske rockscene.
Det alternative rockband består af Silas Helbro, Markus Phillipsen, Konrad Kristensen Jens-Christian Sørensen, som sammen danner orkestret The Guest House af frontmand Mathias Rasmussen, som går under kunstnernavnet Arko.
Arko & the Guest House are currently working on their debut EP "BTSV" - a concept EP that explores the dark side of humanity through dark lyrics and a dark sound universe. "BTSV" is short for Beneath the Seventh Veil, and the EP is based on human desires and everything that is hidden "under the seventh veil".
Dark stories about shady characters form the framework for the lyrics, and with inspiration from folk music and alternative rock, Arko & the Guest House delivers a unique contribution to the Danish rock scene on their debut EP "BTSV".
The alternative rock band consists of Silas Helbro, Markus Phillipsen, Konrad Kristensen and Jens-Christian Sørensen, who together form the orchestra The Guest House, and frontman Mathias Rasmussen, who goes by the stage name Arko.