Arkiv: Overstået event
Christianshavns Beboerhus

Dronningensgade 34, København K

Donnerstag 23. Mai 2024, 17-21.30.


Too late to wait! A conference on climate and democracy

An evening of talks and debates on the theme of new forms of climate activism.

Programme:1st part: Albert Ogien (FR), sociologist & Lars Tønder (DK), political scientist (moderator: Lotte Folke)2nd part: Camille Etienne (FR) & Esther Kjeldahl (DK), activists3rd part: concert (free)
The climate events of recent years confirm in real-time the situation that researchers and scientists have been describing for decades. Yet, everywhere, political ecology seems to be losing ground, and populations increasingly express distrust towards the ruling classes accused of maintaining close ties with the extractive industry and being unable to break free from growth and productivity logics. Feeling unrepresented, civil society organizes itself, and new forms of mobilization emerge, sometimes challenging the traditional exercise of democracy. Climate marches, whistleblowers, civil disobedience, site occupations, happenings in museums... At a time when the existential threat of climate change weighs more and more on humanity, a renewal of practices and democratic debate seems more necessary than ever.

Eintritt: 60 kr