Arkiv: Overstået event
Grenna Campus

Bergsgatan 38, Gränna

Mittwoch 14. August 2024 bis Freitag 16. August 2024, 10-15.


Banjo (workshop)

Magnus Wiik - Banjo.

Magnus Wiik begynte å spille banjo i 2005, og etter å ha funnet ut hvilken vei fingerplektrene skulle sitte og at man måtte sørge for at strengene gikk på innsiden av stemmeskruen og at en bic-penn kunne fungere som 5-strengscapo var han i gang! Etter noen år ble han en ettertraktet banjospiller, med egne band som Julie & The New Favorites, Open String Department, Haley's Comet og mye frilansvirksomhet. I 2011 ble han invitert av Tom Nechville til å spille med Banjo Revolution International Ensemble (BRIE) under IBMA
After having gained recognition from a host of bands on the alternative European americana-scene, Magnus Wiik released two debut albums as a solo artist during the pandemic - the albums Rad and Trad. As the titles may suggest, it is one album of original music and one of interpretations. The albums received high international acclaim.

Spring 2023 will see Magnus release his next album titled Misfits, following in the same vein as Rad and Trad. Original and adventurous bluegrass with guitars, banjo, mandolin, fiddle, dobro, cello and vocals. Magnus' vocation is to treat the legacy from his heroes Monroe and Watson in a respectful, personal and innovative way.
Magnus Wiik has toured across the globe with his own projects and as a sideman on a wide array of instruments for 20 years. He has been awarded prizes, released more than ten albums of original music and performed on some of the biggest stages for this music in Europe

(lunch ingår i kursavgiften).

Eintritt: 3000 kr