Arkiv: Overstået event

Bispeengen 20F, Frederiksberg

Freitag 20. September 2024, 21.


Carmie + Neeva | URBAN 13

Carmie | URBAN 13. Inspireret af stærke kvindelige rollemodeller som Jorja Smith Lianne La Havas, har Carmie skabt sit eget unikke udtryk. 20. september kommer hun til GARAGEN! (English below). x Forsalg: 100 kr. (+gebyr).

X Dørsalg: 115 kr. (+gebyr)

x Dato: 20.09.2024

x Døre: 20.00
x Koncerter begynder: 21.00
x Sted: GARAGEN, URBAN 13 (indendørs)

Carmie (English below)

Christine Aggerholm, den talentfulde sanger sangskriver bag dette kunstnernavn, bruger sin musik til at udforske dybe tanker følelser om samfundets nuværende tendenser. Inspireret af stærke kvindelige rollemodeller som Jorja Smith Lianne La Havas, har Carmie skabt sit eget unikke udtryk. I april 2021 debuterede hun med EP'en "Lost In May," der tydeligt afspejler Carmies kærlighed til både gamle soul-traditioner moderne R&B-vibes. Carmie turnerer nu landsdækkende som soloartist fuldt band.

I 2023 udgav Carmie tre singler, der fungerer som musikalske bidrag til debatten om unges trivsel. Hun leger med gamle ordsprog integrerer akustiske elementer i et ellers elektronisk lydunivers - en hyldest til det organiske. Carmies sange har allerede gjort indtryk på danske radiostationer som P4, P5 Radio Nordjyske er blevet udnævnt som "Ugens Hittip" på P4. Derudover er flere af sangene blevet inkluderet på populære playlister som New Music Friday, New Music Daily samt Karrierekanonen-platformen.

På den danske livescene har Carmie gjort sig bemærket med talrige koncerter i 2022 2023 som inkluderer SPOT Festival, Risskov Festival en headline-optræden i Musikhusparken, for blot at nævne nogle få. Hun har desuden så stået som support for etablerede kunstnere som Mads Langer Hugorm.


Christine Aggerholm, the talented singer and songwriter behind the artist, uses her music to explore deep thoughts and feelings about society's current trends. Inspired by strong female role models such as Jorja Smith and Lianne La Havas, Carmie has created her own unique expression. In April 2021, she debuted with the EP "Lost In May," which clearly reflects Carmie's love for both old soul traditions and modern R&B vibes. Carmie now tours nationwide as a solo artist and full band.

In 2023, Carmie released three singles that serve as musical contributions to the debate on youth well-being. She plays with old sayings and integrates acoustic elements into an otherwise electronic sound universe - a tribute to the organic. Carmie's songs have already made an impression on Danish radio stations such as P4, P5 and Radio Nordjyske and have been named "Hit tip of the Week" on P4. In addition, several of the songs have been included on popular playlists such as New Music Friday, New Music Daily and the Karrierekanonen platform.

On the Danish live scene, Carmie has made a name for herself with numerous concerts in 2022 and 2023 such as SPOT Festival, Risskov Festival and a headline performance in Musikhusparken, to name just a few. She has also supported established artists such as Mads Langer and Hugorm.

Support: TBA.
