Arkiv: Overstået event

Freitag 21. Februar 2025 bis Sonntag 23. Februar 2025, 15-16.

Veranstalter: Ananda Marga Denmark


Silent Weekend (Silent Meditation and Yoga Retreat)

Dear Friends of Ananda Marga and Ananda Gaorii,. This retreat is for those. seeking to refresh and renew themselves through silence and meditation.

The program integrates meditation practice, gentle yoga classes and Kiirtan, a form of chanting which opens the heart and helps let go of anxiety and stress. Obviously chanting is not silence, but, as it is an uplifting form of spiritual practice, and the mind is directed inwards, not outwards, it is included in the retreat

Practicing silence has a long list of benefits: reducing stress, improving concentration, boosting creativity, deepening self-awareness, reducing anxiety, improving sleep and strengthening the immune system .

The retreat includes private time for self-reflection, walks in nature, reading and journaling. It also includes an element of challenge with a fairly early start and 30 to 45 minute meditation sessions at regular intervals throughout the day. The different elements of the program are woven together in a way that creates both variety and flow, so that the body and mind can get maximum benefit in a rhythmic and natural way. Meditation guidance will be given at key intervals by Dada Krsnasevananda, a life-time monk and teacher of mantra meditation, with 40 years of teaching experience.

Eintritt: 1280 kr