CopenHill Urban Mountain

Vindmøllevej 6, København S

Samstag 14. Juni 2025, 12-02.


Scandinavian Team Battle 2025

° , - - ° ! Det hele løber af stablen lørdag d. 14 juni, når de største internationale freestyle ski stjerner besøger CopenHill til et hæsblæsende show på den grønne bakke i København.

Forvent masser af wow-faktor, pop-up events, live koncerter og et legendarisk afterparty på CopenHill's rooftop. Som noget nyt i år, vil der blive afholdt en offentlig kvalifikation, hvor alle kan køre med helt gratis, i dysten om at få en plads blandt profferne i den store konkurrence.

12:30 - 14:00:
16:00 - 18:00:
18:00 - 20:00: - -
21:00 - 22:00:
22:00 - 02:00:
' ! It's going down on Saturday the 14th of June as the biggest stars of freestyle skiing come to CopenHill to put on an amazing show. Expect a lot of wow-factor, pop-up events, live concerts and a legendary afterparty on the CopenHill rooftop. This year there will be an open qualification competition that anyone can attend and win a spot alongside the pro's in the big competition.

Jesper Tjäder & Emil Granbom
To Be Announced
To Be Announced
To Be Announced
To Be Announced
Qualifier Team

Free to attendPrizes for participantsWin a spot in the PRO COMPETITION

Intimate concert on the CopenHill rooftopMust have "Full Event" ticket to attend
The best party in CopenhagenMust have "Full Event" ticket to attend

Competition Only: 75 krFull Event: 150 kr.

Eintritt: 75 kr

Eintrittskarten kaufen/bestellen