Una Skott er kendt som frontkvinde, guitarist og sangskriver i bandet Télé Rouge som i flere år har markeret sig som et af Danmarks eneste fransksprogede indiebands.
Hun er samtidig en flittig live guitarist og har flankeret mange store danske musikere, bl.a. Naja Rosa Koppel, Fallulah, Mathilde Falch, Tomas Høffding og Martin Hall.
Det nye materiale er levende i sit dansable udtryk, hvor dreampop møder afrobeats på en bund af space-sfæriske synths og psykedelisk sitar guitar. Der lægges ikke skjul på, at både lyd og stemning er befrugtet af sydfranske, erotiske 80'er film, og krydret med inspiration fra 60'ernes Vestafrika. Sangene synger Una Skott i en blanding af engelsk og fransk, hvilket afspejler sig i albummets titel, Spacepop Exotique.
Una Skott har nøje sammensat et helt særligt liveband, med henblik på at hjælpe musikkens nye eksotiske udtryk på vej. Konstellationen består af Thomas El Masri på keys, Isildo Novela på bas, Felix Ewert på trommer og Una Skott på guitar og vokal.
Una Skott is known as the frontwoman, guitarist, and songwriter of the band Télé Rouge, which has for several years stood out as one of Denmark's only French-language indie bands. She is also an active live guitarist and has accompanied many major Danish musicians, including Naja Rosa Koppel, Fallulah, Mathilde Falch, Tomas Høffding, and Martin Hall.
Her new material is vibrant in its danceable expression, where dreampop meets afrobeats on a foundation of spacey, atmospheric synths and psychedelic sitar guitar. There is no hiding the fact that both the sound and mood are inspired by South French erotic films from the 1980s, spiced with inspiration from 1960s West Africa. The songs are sung by Una Skott in a mix of English and French, which is reflected in the album's title, Spacepop Exotique.
Una Skott has carefully assembled a very special live band, aimed at bringing the music's new exotic expression to life. The lineup consists of Thomas El Masri on keys, Isildo Novela on bass, Felix Ewert on drums, and Una Skott on guitar and vocals.
Hun er samtidig en flittig live guitarist og har flankeret mange store danske musikere, bl.a. Naja Rosa Koppel, Fallulah, Mathilde Falch, Tomas Høffding og Martin Hall.
Det nye materiale er levende i sit dansable udtryk, hvor dreampop møder afrobeats på en bund af space-sfæriske synths og psykedelisk sitar guitar. Der lægges ikke skjul på, at både lyd og stemning er befrugtet af sydfranske, erotiske 80'er film, og krydret med inspiration fra 60'ernes Vestafrika. Sangene synger Una Skott i en blanding af engelsk og fransk, hvilket afspejler sig i albummets titel, Spacepop Exotique.
Una Skott har nøje sammensat et helt særligt liveband, med henblik på at hjælpe musikkens nye eksotiske udtryk på vej. Konstellationen består af Thomas El Masri på keys, Isildo Novela på bas, Felix Ewert på trommer og Una Skott på guitar og vokal.
Una Skott is known as the frontwoman, guitarist, and songwriter of the band Télé Rouge, which has for several years stood out as one of Denmark's only French-language indie bands. She is also an active live guitarist and has accompanied many major Danish musicians, including Naja Rosa Koppel, Fallulah, Mathilde Falch, Tomas Høffding, and Martin Hall.
Her new material is vibrant in its danceable expression, where dreampop meets afrobeats on a foundation of spacey, atmospheric synths and psychedelic sitar guitar. There is no hiding the fact that both the sound and mood are inspired by South French erotic films from the 1980s, spiced with inspiration from 1960s West Africa. The songs are sung by Una Skott in a mix of English and French, which is reflected in the album's title, Spacepop Exotique.
Una Skott has carefully assembled a very special live band, aimed at bringing the music's new exotic expression to life. The lineup consists of Thomas El Masri on keys, Isildo Novela on bass, Felix Ewert on drums, and Una Skott on guitar and vocals.
Eintritt: 120 kr