Her er et musikalsk mastermind, som alle med hang til krøllet indiemusik bør kende til. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Venue: Xenon, 4. sal Døre: 20:00 Show: 21:00 Entré: 140 kr. / studerende: 70 kr.
Billetsalget starter d. 23.01 kl. 10.00
o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Jeffrey Lewis gør sig i en særegen form for indierock, der også plukker de bedste virkemidler fra folkmusikken. Det er ikke tilfældigt, at hans kommende plade får titlen "The EVEN MORE Freewheelin' Jeffrey Lewis" (Bob Dylan-fans fanger referencen!).
Det hele startede med, at Jeffrey Lewis indspillede og udgav hjemmelavede kassettebånd i New York City. Selvfølgelig ville skæbnen, at hans pudseløjerlige og super charmerende sange skulle udgives på et rigtigt pladeselskab. Siden har Jeffrey Lewis spyttet musik ud - både officelle, "rigtige" albums og hjemmeindspillede løst-fra-hånden-albums, som er lige så gode som de officielle.
Sideløbende har projektet også udviklet sig til at være et decideret liveband. Jeffrey Lewis har spillet side om side med helte og forbilleder som Mountain Goats, Daniel Johnston, Stephen Malkmus, Dinosaur Jr, The Fall, Roky Erickson og The Vaselines.
Og det er netop i dét selskab, at Jeffrey Lewis retteligt har hjemme. Oversælger vi ham, tænker du? Ikke det mindste! Jeffrey Lewis er en ener, som er kriminelt overset af flertallet, men til gengæld knuselsket af mindretallet. Mon ikke du hører til sidstnævnte? Tænkte det nok, musik-connoisseur!
Nu svinger den amerikanske original forbi HUSETs Xenon-sal med sit band. Her kan du se frem til hans fabulerende fortællestil og særlige tilgang til sin ramponerede guitar. Han er i øvrigt kendt for ofte at lade sin kunst og tegneserier (ja, det kan han også!) indgå i sine liveoptrædener.
Så mere er der ikke at sige. Tryk du på købsknappen, og så ses vi snart i HUSET.
Here is a musical mastermind that anyone with a taste for quirky indie music should know about. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Venue: Xenon, 4th floor Doors: 20:00 Show: 21:00 Price: 140 DKK / students: 70 DKK
Ticket sale opens 23/01 at 10 am
o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Jeffrey Lewis specialises in a unique and, quite frankly, brilliant form of indie rock that also picks the best elements from folk music. It's no coincidence that his upcoming album is titled "The EVEN MORE Freewheelin' Jeffrey Lewis" (Bob Dylan fans get the reference!).
It all began with Jeffrey Lewis recording and releasing homemade cassette tapes om the streets of New York City. Naturally, fate would have it that his quirky and utterly charming songs would end up being released by a real record label. Since then, Jeffrey Lewis has been releasing music non-stop-both official, "proper" albums and homemade, off-the-cuff recordings that are just as good as the official ones.
Alongside this, the project has evolved into a full-fledged live band. Jeffrey Lewis has shared the stage with heroes and inspirations like The Mountain Goats, Daniel Johnston, Stephen Malkmus, Dinosaur Jr, The Fall, Roky Erickson, and The Vaselines.
And it's exactly in that company that Jeffrey Lewis rightfully belongs. Are we overselling him, you ask? Not in the slightest! Jeffrey Lewis is one of a kind-criminally overlooked by the majority but deeply loved by the minority. And wouldn't you agree you belong to the latter? Thought so, music connoisseur!
Now the American original is stopping by HUSET's Xenon venue with his band. You can look forward to his imaginative storytelling and his unique relationship with his ramshackle guitar. By the way, he's also known for incorporating his visual art and cartoons (yes, he does that too!) into his live performances.
So, there's really nothing more to say. Click that buy button, and we'll see you soon at HUSET!
Eintrittskarten kaufen/bestellen
Billetsalget starter d. 23.01 kl. 10.00
o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Jeffrey Lewis gør sig i en særegen form for indierock, der også plukker de bedste virkemidler fra folkmusikken. Det er ikke tilfældigt, at hans kommende plade får titlen "The EVEN MORE Freewheelin' Jeffrey Lewis" (Bob Dylan-fans fanger referencen!).
Det hele startede med, at Jeffrey Lewis indspillede og udgav hjemmelavede kassettebånd i New York City. Selvfølgelig ville skæbnen, at hans pudseløjerlige og super charmerende sange skulle udgives på et rigtigt pladeselskab. Siden har Jeffrey Lewis spyttet musik ud - både officelle, "rigtige" albums og hjemmeindspillede løst-fra-hånden-albums, som er lige så gode som de officielle.
Sideløbende har projektet også udviklet sig til at være et decideret liveband. Jeffrey Lewis har spillet side om side med helte og forbilleder som Mountain Goats, Daniel Johnston, Stephen Malkmus, Dinosaur Jr, The Fall, Roky Erickson og The Vaselines.
Og det er netop i dét selskab, at Jeffrey Lewis retteligt har hjemme. Oversælger vi ham, tænker du? Ikke det mindste! Jeffrey Lewis er en ener, som er kriminelt overset af flertallet, men til gengæld knuselsket af mindretallet. Mon ikke du hører til sidstnævnte? Tænkte det nok, musik-connoisseur!
Nu svinger den amerikanske original forbi HUSETs Xenon-sal med sit band. Her kan du se frem til hans fabulerende fortællestil og særlige tilgang til sin ramponerede guitar. Han er i øvrigt kendt for ofte at lade sin kunst og tegneserier (ja, det kan han også!) indgå i sine liveoptrædener.
Så mere er der ikke at sige. Tryk du på købsknappen, og så ses vi snart i HUSET.
Here is a musical mastermind that anyone with a taste for quirky indie music should know about. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Venue: Xenon, 4th floor Doors: 20:00 Show: 21:00 Price: 140 DKK / students: 70 DKK
Ticket sale opens 23/01 at 10 am
o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Jeffrey Lewis specialises in a unique and, quite frankly, brilliant form of indie rock that also picks the best elements from folk music. It's no coincidence that his upcoming album is titled "The EVEN MORE Freewheelin' Jeffrey Lewis" (Bob Dylan fans get the reference!).
It all began with Jeffrey Lewis recording and releasing homemade cassette tapes om the streets of New York City. Naturally, fate would have it that his quirky and utterly charming songs would end up being released by a real record label. Since then, Jeffrey Lewis has been releasing music non-stop-both official, "proper" albums and homemade, off-the-cuff recordings that are just as good as the official ones.
Alongside this, the project has evolved into a full-fledged live band. Jeffrey Lewis has shared the stage with heroes and inspirations like The Mountain Goats, Daniel Johnston, Stephen Malkmus, Dinosaur Jr, The Fall, Roky Erickson, and The Vaselines.
And it's exactly in that company that Jeffrey Lewis rightfully belongs. Are we overselling him, you ask? Not in the slightest! Jeffrey Lewis is one of a kind-criminally overlooked by the majority but deeply loved by the minority. And wouldn't you agree you belong to the latter? Thought so, music connoisseur!
Now the American original is stopping by HUSET's Xenon venue with his band. You can look forward to his imaginative storytelling and his unique relationship with his ramshackle guitar. By the way, he's also known for incorporating his visual art and cartoons (yes, he does that too!) into his live performances.
So, there's really nothing more to say. Click that buy button, and we'll see you soon at HUSET!
Eintritt: 70 kr