Arkiv: Overstået event

Møllegade 7, København N

Torsdag 11 juli 2024, kl. 20.15-22.30.


Wolfskin ensemple copenhagen Jazz Festival

Siden efteråret 2023 har Wolfskin Ensemble dedikeret deres eksistens til at spille musik inden for eksperimentel, improviseret og avantgardemusik.

Dette københavnske kollektiv består af en syvmandskonstellation af internationale musikere, der arbejder med dynamiske og udfordrende musikalske lydfortællinger, enten komponeret af dets medlemmer eller andre komponister.
De havde premiere på "Maquetas" på Københavns VinterJazz 2024 (en samling af selvforfattede korte stykker), og fremførte "Composition No. 193 / First Species Ghost Trance Music" af Anthony Braxton samt "Changing the System" af Christian Wolff på Absolute FIMARA 2023.
I øjeblikket er de ved at forberede et friskt nyt program, der skal spilles på Literaturhaus, Nørrebro under denne CPH jazzfestival.
Pressen skrev:
"It moved over everything from soft melancholic strings to Balkan melody to serenades for bagpipes, bird whistles, melodica, kazoo and slinky. In the latter, there was an unscheduled coda from the pipe animal, which for a while broke down the solemn concert atmosphere and sent the ensemble and the audience into a joint fit of laughter."
Af Marcus Behrens
Wolfskin EnsembleSince autumn 2023, Wolfskin is an ensemble dedicated to play music within the realms of experimental, improvised and avant-garde music. Consisting of a seven- piece constellation of international musicians, this Copenhagen based collective works on dynamic and challenging musical sound narratives either composed by its members or other composers.They premiered "Maquetas" at Copenhagen's VinterJazz 2024 (a collection of self- authorship short pieces), and performed "Composition No. 193 / First Species Ghost Trance Music" by Anthony Braxton as well as "Changing the System" by Christian Wolff at Absolute FIMARA 2023.Currently they are preparing a fresh new program to be played at Literaturhaus, Nørrebro during this CPH jazz festival.Mika Persdotter, violaAsger Thomsen, bassTomás Gubbins, guitarMichaela Turcerová, saxIrene Bianco, percussionSarah Buchner, voice/fluteLone Aagot Meinich, campanula quinton "It moved over everything from soft melancholic strings to Balkan melody to serenades for bagpipes, bird whistles, melodica, kazoo and slinky. In the latter, there was an unscheduled coda from the pipe animal, which for a while broke down the solemn concert atmosphere and sent the ensemble and the audience into a joint fit of laughter."Marcus Price: Pay what you want from 80 to 150 kr.