Arkiv: Overstået event
Byens hus, Roskilde

Stændertorvet 1, Roskilde

Söndag 23 februari 2025, 14:30-16.30.

Guidad visning

Augmented Reality Tales of War and Peace a.k.a. ARTWP - invitation/indbydelse!

Augmented Reality Tales of War and Peace a.k.a. ARTWP - invitation to our documentary film and guided tour. Augmented Reality Tales of War and Peace a.k.a. ARTWP - indbydelse til dokumentarfilmen og "guided tur".

(På dansk nedenfor)

Augmented Reality Tales of War and Peace a.k.a. ARTWP - invitation to our documentary film and guided tour.

On Sunday 23rd February 2025, as a reminder of the third anniversary of the illegal invasion of Ukraine by russia on the 24th February 2022, World Wide Words will present "The ARTWP Documentary" (final cut) about the ARTWP project. During the ARTWP project (2023-2024) nearly 20 augmented reality (AR) artworks were created by 25 artists from Ukraine, Denmark, Italy and France in 2023/2024 about the horror of war - and the ever-more urgent necessity of peace with justice! The documentary will followed by a short, guided tour of the ARTWP artworks in Roskilde.

Where: The Old Town Hall/Den Gl. Byrådssal, The City House/ Byens hus - Roskilde (Stændertorvet)
When: Sunday 23rd February from 14.30 - 16.30

It is FREE to participate! Please remember to bring a fully charged smartphone or tablet.


På dansk:
Augmented Reality Tales of War and Peace a.k.a. ARTWP - indbydelse til dokumentarfilmen og "guided tur".

Søndag den 23. februar 2025, som en påmindelse om treårsdagen for ruslands illegale invasion af Ukraine den 24. februar 2022, vil World Wide Words præsentere "The ARTWP Documentary" (final cut) om ARTWP-projektet. Under ARTWP-projektet (2023-2024) blev næsten 20 augmented reality (AR) kunstværker skabt af 25 kunstnere fra Ukraine, Danmark, Italien og Frankrig i 2023/2024 om krigens rædsel - og den stadig mere presserende nødvendighed af fred med retfærdighed! Dokumentaren efterfølges af en kort rundvisning i ARTWP-kunstværkerne i Roskilde.

Hvor: Det Gamle Rådhus, Byens hus - Roskilde (Stændertorvet).
Hvornår: Søndag, den 23. februar fra 14.30 - 16.30
Det er gratis at deltage! Husk at medbringe en fuldt opladet smartphone eller tablet.


The ARTWP artworks project partners are: World Wide Words (DK), Associazione Oltrezona (IT), les fous de bassan (FR) and JIbBiBcbka MyHiunIIanbHa bi6nioteka /Lviv Municipal Library (UA).
Thanks to our sponsors, funders and supporters: European Union Creative Europe Fund, the Danish Arts Council/ Statens Kunstfond, The Danish New Democracy Fund, Roskilde Kommune/Municipality, the Région Centre-Val de Loire, the municipalities of Bourges and Beaugency, the French Ministry of Culture, the Regional Direction of Museums for Calabria/Italian Ministry of Culture, @Fondazione Carical/ @Cassa Di Risparmio Di Calabria e Di Luciania and Culture Moves Europe/ Goethe Institute.

Our thanks go as always to Untold Garden in Malmø for all their artistic and technical AR support - and care.

ARTWP website:

Photo: Sika Linda Nuunu Kristensen.

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