Mølholm Skole

Tankegangen 5, Vejle

Tisdag 27 maj 2025 till tisdag 10 juni 2025, 3 mødegange kl. 17.30-21.30.

Arrangör: AOF Vejle


Japanese Cuisine

Japan has one of the best food in the world. Its cuisine is unique, healthy and delicious. Japanese cuisine is not only sushi! In this class, you will discover how to prepare some other tasty and traditional Japanese dishes, such as:.

Curry rice
Miso soup

Phung will teach you to prepare the core ingredients and how to develop the umami flavor in Japanese food
It's a cozy and hands-on class.

Raw ingredients is paid to the teacher at the class

Underviser: Phung Nguyen Yen
Hold: 9125119001.

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