Arkiv: Overstået event
Sisters Hope Home

Charlottegårdsvej 1a, Hedehusene

Lördag 28 september 2024 och söndag 29 september 2024, kl. 14-12.


Flowing Inhabitation - September

At your arrival at Sisters Hope Home, you will be greeted by a Sisters Staff who will introduce you into the ways of the Home.

After the initiation the space is open and available for your explorations, and for what you and your co-inhabitants bring into the shared space. You will cook, eat, sleep, and live together - but the path of each individual inhabitant is not predetermined. You will be able to move about in the space without fixed objectives. As such you should not expect a strongly facilitated experience. Instead, your journey inside Sisters Hope Home will be dependent on what you contribute to the experience. You might want to immerse yourself in contemplation. You might want to engage in deep conversation with the other inhabitants. Or you might want to join a performative ritual performed by the Sisters Staff or offer one yourself.Throughout your stay the Sisters Staff will be present to help and guide you on your journey.
Practical information- After you have bought a ticket, you will receive a welcoming letter with additional information and check-in time sent to your email. Please read this letter carefully.- Please be aware of your individual check-in time. The check-out time is the following day before lunch.- It is not possible to bring or use digital devices during your stay.- You will be served vegetarian meals during your stay.Please be mindful that Flowing Inhabitation is not facilitated as strongly as our other performative formats. This format is instead a chance for you to visit or to revisit the Sensuous Society in a more open and explorative manner.About Sisters Hope HomeFlowing Inhabitation is manifested in our home - Sisters Hope Home - in Hedehusene. Sisters Hope Home is a 5-year-durational artwork and platform for performance experiments, sensuous learning, and artistic research. The ambition is to create a permanent access to The Sensuous Society and a place dedicated to poetic and sensuous modes of being and being together.

Entré: 340 kr