Arkiv: Overstået event

Etta Camerons Vej 17, København SV

Torsdag 23 maj 2024, kl. 18.30-21.


The Wines of Hungary - Wine Tasting in 2450 SV

Join me for an exciting evening where we dive into the longstanding history of Hungarian quality wines. Not sure what to expect? Read my reviews on Trustpilot.

Hungary is a fairly old wine country, internationally best known for its quality dessert wines from the Tokaj region. But once you start diving into it, you will be surprised by the vast diversity of this country's wine styles and its many different indigenous grape varieties, most of them fairly unknown internationally.
Throughout the evening, Sommelier Jan Eggers will guide you through this wine experience. The "Tour d'Hungary" will feature all important varieties and wine styles from this country, and will furthermore give you new inspiration, as well as background information around Hungary's winemaking history and traditions.
We will be a group of 12 and the evening includes a tapas-styled dinner.
The tasting starts 6.30 pm and last until 9 pm or a bit longer. The tasting happens in our wine cellar, Etta Camerons Vej 17, 2450 Copenhagen SV.
Which wines to expect?
The Egri Bikaver blend
Tokaj Aszu.

Entré: 599 kr