Vær med når Tomas Remiraz fra UK kommer til Danmark og underviser i Food Forestry. Tomas Remiarz has been involved in creating and maintaining forest gardens across the UK and Europe for nearly 30 years.
Avanceret Skovhavekursus med Tomas Remiarz & Skye Jin
THIS 4-DAY COURSE will set you up for planning, planting and maintaining a forest garden. Whether you are a beginner or have already started, the input from Tomas Remiarz, a top educator and practitioner in the field, will move your practice to a new level!
This course will combine up to date ecological and design theory with horticultural understanding. A range of inspiring case studies will be shared to show what forest gardens can be like in different sizes and settings.
We will use the land and people around us as a practical example. You will learn to observe the land, ask questions of the people using the site and analyse the gathered information. We will explore how to combine trees, shrubs and perennial plants and how to organise planting, harvesting and maintenance.
There will also be plenty of opportunities to relate the course content to your own situation, and we may choose some participants' projects as the basis for case studies, discussions and design exercises.
The course is in English and includes the comprehensive book "Forest Gardening in Practice" by Tomas Remiarz. There will be served delicious plantbased food. Please write to us if you have any allergies or learning diversities. We will send out detailed course descriptions and schedule to each participant beforehand.
Tomas Remiarz has been involved in creating and maintaining forest gardens across the UK and Europe for nearly 30 years. He is currently involved in Earthworm Housing Coop, a sustainable rural housing project project on a 7-acre site in Herefordshire. He is a senior diploma tutor and author of the first in-depth book about forest gardening with best practices and living examples across Europe and the Nordic region.
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Avanceret Skovhavekursus med Tomas Remiarz & Skye Jin
THIS 4-DAY COURSE will set you up for planning, planting and maintaining a forest garden. Whether you are a beginner or have already started, the input from Tomas Remiarz, a top educator and practitioner in the field, will move your practice to a new level!
This course will combine up to date ecological and design theory with horticultural understanding. A range of inspiring case studies will be shared to show what forest gardens can be like in different sizes and settings.
We will use the land and people around us as a practical example. You will learn to observe the land, ask questions of the people using the site and analyse the gathered information. We will explore how to combine trees, shrubs and perennial plants and how to organise planting, harvesting and maintenance.
There will also be plenty of opportunities to relate the course content to your own situation, and we may choose some participants' projects as the basis for case studies, discussions and design exercises.
The course is in English and includes the comprehensive book "Forest Gardening in Practice" by Tomas Remiarz. There will be served delicious plantbased food. Please write to us if you have any allergies or learning diversities. We will send out detailed course descriptions and schedule to each participant beforehand.
Tomas Remiarz has been involved in creating and maintaining forest gardens across the UK and Europe for nearly 30 years. He is currently involved in Earthworm Housing Coop, a sustainable rural housing project project on a 7-acre site in Herefordshire. He is a senior diploma tutor and author of the first in-depth book about forest gardening with best practices and living examples across Europe and the Nordic region.
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Entré: VirksomhedsFoodForestCourse 4.500,0, PrivatPersonFoodForestCourse 3.700,0, Studerende, pensionist, ydelse 2.600,0