Lael Neale bygger drømmeverdener med sin indieficerede singer-songwriter-musik, der kalder på et håb for bedre tider. Gå ikke glip af en fantastisk sangskriver. sssiv varmer op med 60'er vibes, Twin Peaks-stemning og musikalsk nærvær.
O-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Venue: Musikcaféen, 3. etage Døre: 20:00 Show: 21:00 Entré: 120 kr. / studerende: 60 kr.-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o
Lael Neale er en amerikansk singer-songwriter, som gør sig i nedbarberet folk og eksperimenterende produktioner, og som synger sig ind som et soundtrack til dine allerbedste drømme.
Med en unik vokal og poetiske tekster udforsker den amerikanske musiker emner som isolation, længsel og håb.
Armeret med sin trofaste Omnichord - en legetøjslignende synthesizer med indbygget rytmeboks - formår hun at udfylde de koncertrum, hun optræder i, med lag af resonante toner, dronende synths og beats, som til sammen sætter lighedstegn mellem intimitet og intensitet.
Lael Neales seneste udgivelse, "Star Eaters Delight" (2023), viser en særlig side af hendes kunstneriske spændvidde. Her eksperimenterer hun med dynamiske og åbne arrangementer, der tilføjer en frisk energi til hendes unikke lyd. Hun har nye toner ude, så mon ikke et nyt album venter i 2025?
Neale har en unik evne til at forvandle introspektive temaer til universelle fortællinger. Hendes musik er en rejse gennem skønheden i det simple, hvilket gør hende til en fascinerende og original stemme på den moderne musikscene.
Gå ikke glip af hende, når hun træder på scenen i Musikcaféen i HUSET til maj.
SUPPORT: sssiv
Du kan forvente at fordybe dig i en atmosfærisk, poetisk og delikat rus uden at miste jordforbindelsen, når sssiv træder op på scenen i Musikcaféen og varmer op for lael neale.
Sasha, Sara og Stephen blander shoegaze, dream pop og alt-rock sammen i deres selvopfundne genre "Blueberry Rock". De fanger en autentisk energi med harmoniske detaljer og en rytmisk drivkraft, der får lyttere med smag for disse genrer til at glemme tid og sted.
Du vil elske sssiv, hvis dit anlæg i forvejen spiller Yo La Tengo, Cocteau Twins, og Stereolab.
Lael Neale crafts dreamlike worlds with her indie-infused singer-songwriter music, evoking hope for brighter days. Don't miss the chance to experience a remarkable songwriter.
sssiv will warm-up with 60ies vibes, Twin Peaks ambience and a strong musical intimacy.
o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Venue: Musikcaféen, 3rd floor Doors: 20:00 Show: 21:00 Price: 120 DKK / for students: 60 DKK-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o
Lael Neale is an American singer-songwriter specialising in stripped-down folk and experimental production, delivering music that feels like the soundtrack to your most cherished dreams.
With a distinct voice and poetic lyrics, the Virginia-born artist delves into themes of isolation, longing, and hope. Armed with her Omnichord - a toy-like synthesiser with built-in rhythm functions - she fills live venues with resonant tones, droning synths, and beats, blending intimacy with intensity.
Her latest release, "Star Eaters Delight" (2023), highlights a new side to her artistic range, featuring dynamic and expansive arrangements that inject fresh energy into her sound.
With new music hinted at for 2025, anticipation is building for what's next.
Neale has a rare talent for turning introspective themes into universal narratives, making her a captivating and original voice on today's music scene.
Don't miss her when she takes the stage at Musikcaféen in HUSET this May.
SUPPORT: sssiv
Expect to indulge in a atmospheric, poetic and delicate 'sssiv' rhymes with 'give'. sssiv is sara (drums), stephen (bass, guitar), and sasha (guitar, bass). sssiv sings together. sssiv is spontaneous, sweet; dreamy and upbeat.
sssiv started life as an off-the-cuff, two-hour improvisation in a studio in Copenhagen, and they have continued to invent, record and play, collecting songs and moments together along the way.
You'll love sssiv if your sound system already plays tunes from Yo La Tengo, Cocteau Twins, and Stereolab.
"A unique, boldly weird proposition, and one that proudly carries the faint hint of tractor grease. Half of it comes on like cult 70s folk artist Karen Dalton hanging out with the Velvet Underground and Suicide, while the rest offers somewhat more modern balladry, placing her more in the world of Angel Olsen and Cat Power." - THE GUARDIAN
"Neale is imaginative, but she's steeped in songwriting craft and she knows her way round a whopping chorus."
**** - MOJO
"The simplicity is part of what makes her record so beautiful; just her voice, her words, her electric guitar, and her omnichord are enough to put the listener in a trance." - SPIN
"She's managed to infuse a very done old female singer-songwriter, emotive approach with fresh abandon. She abandons a lot of the traditional instrumentation and doesn't often bother with a beat.
Köp/beställa biljetter
O-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Venue: Musikcaféen, 3. etage Døre: 20:00 Show: 21:00 Entré: 120 kr. / studerende: 60 kr.-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o
Lael Neale er en amerikansk singer-songwriter, som gør sig i nedbarberet folk og eksperimenterende produktioner, og som synger sig ind som et soundtrack til dine allerbedste drømme.
Med en unik vokal og poetiske tekster udforsker den amerikanske musiker emner som isolation, længsel og håb.
Armeret med sin trofaste Omnichord - en legetøjslignende synthesizer med indbygget rytmeboks - formår hun at udfylde de koncertrum, hun optræder i, med lag af resonante toner, dronende synths og beats, som til sammen sætter lighedstegn mellem intimitet og intensitet.
Lael Neales seneste udgivelse, "Star Eaters Delight" (2023), viser en særlig side af hendes kunstneriske spændvidde. Her eksperimenterer hun med dynamiske og åbne arrangementer, der tilføjer en frisk energi til hendes unikke lyd. Hun har nye toner ude, så mon ikke et nyt album venter i 2025?
Neale har en unik evne til at forvandle introspektive temaer til universelle fortællinger. Hendes musik er en rejse gennem skønheden i det simple, hvilket gør hende til en fascinerende og original stemme på den moderne musikscene.
Gå ikke glip af hende, når hun træder på scenen i Musikcaféen i HUSET til maj.
SUPPORT: sssiv
Du kan forvente at fordybe dig i en atmosfærisk, poetisk og delikat rus uden at miste jordforbindelsen, når sssiv træder op på scenen i Musikcaféen og varmer op for lael neale.
Sasha, Sara og Stephen blander shoegaze, dream pop og alt-rock sammen i deres selvopfundne genre "Blueberry Rock". De fanger en autentisk energi med harmoniske detaljer og en rytmisk drivkraft, der får lyttere med smag for disse genrer til at glemme tid og sted.
Du vil elske sssiv, hvis dit anlæg i forvejen spiller Yo La Tengo, Cocteau Twins, og Stereolab.
Lael Neale crafts dreamlike worlds with her indie-infused singer-songwriter music, evoking hope for brighter days. Don't miss the chance to experience a remarkable songwriter.
sssiv will warm-up with 60ies vibes, Twin Peaks ambience and a strong musical intimacy.
o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Venue: Musikcaféen, 3rd floor Doors: 20:00 Show: 21:00 Price: 120 DKK / for students: 60 DKK-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o
Lael Neale is an American singer-songwriter specialising in stripped-down folk and experimental production, delivering music that feels like the soundtrack to your most cherished dreams.
With a distinct voice and poetic lyrics, the Virginia-born artist delves into themes of isolation, longing, and hope. Armed with her Omnichord - a toy-like synthesiser with built-in rhythm functions - she fills live venues with resonant tones, droning synths, and beats, blending intimacy with intensity.
Her latest release, "Star Eaters Delight" (2023), highlights a new side to her artistic range, featuring dynamic and expansive arrangements that inject fresh energy into her sound.
With new music hinted at for 2025, anticipation is building for what's next.
Neale has a rare talent for turning introspective themes into universal narratives, making her a captivating and original voice on today's music scene.
Don't miss her when she takes the stage at Musikcaféen in HUSET this May.
SUPPORT: sssiv
Expect to indulge in a atmospheric, poetic and delicate 'sssiv' rhymes with 'give'. sssiv is sara (drums), stephen (bass, guitar), and sasha (guitar, bass). sssiv sings together. sssiv is spontaneous, sweet; dreamy and upbeat.
sssiv started life as an off-the-cuff, two-hour improvisation in a studio in Copenhagen, and they have continued to invent, record and play, collecting songs and moments together along the way.
You'll love sssiv if your sound system already plays tunes from Yo La Tengo, Cocteau Twins, and Stereolab.
"A unique, boldly weird proposition, and one that proudly carries the faint hint of tractor grease. Half of it comes on like cult 70s folk artist Karen Dalton hanging out with the Velvet Underground and Suicide, while the rest offers somewhat more modern balladry, placing her more in the world of Angel Olsen and Cat Power." - THE GUARDIAN
"Neale is imaginative, but she's steeped in songwriting craft and she knows her way round a whopping chorus."
**** - MOJO
"The simplicity is part of what makes her record so beautiful; just her voice, her words, her electric guitar, and her omnichord are enough to put the listener in a trance." - SPIN
"She's managed to infuse a very done old female singer-songwriter, emotive approach with fresh abandon. She abandons a lot of the traditional instrumentation and doesn't often bother with a beat.
Entré: 60 kr