Arkiv: Overstået event
H15 Mad & Kultur i Kødbyen

Halmtorvet 15, København V

Fredag 14 februari 2025, kl. 20.30-03.


Valentines Tango Class + Milonga

Did you forget to plan something for Valentine's Day?. Or you don't have a partner to celebrate it with?. Don't worry! That's what wine and tango are for. To form couples and lose the fear of dancing.

We will offer a glass of Terrazas Malbec wine as a welcome.
From 9PM we will give an open tango class for all those who want to learn the basics of tango and start dancing.
After the class, we will have live music so you can continue practicing what you learned in the class.
Tickets will cost 120kr and include a glass of wine per person and the class.
The milonga will continue until 3am.

Entré: 120 kr