Arkiv: Overstået event
Jazzhus Montmartre

Store Regnegade 19A, København K

Torsdag 13 februari 2025, kl. 20.


Marilyn Mazur Special 4 feat. Norma Winstone

Marilyn Mazur er især kendt som Miles Davis tidligere percussionist - men i den grad også for sine fantastiske originale kompositioner og sprudlende karakter.

Hendes vidtspændende og dybt swingende tromme- og slagtøjsspil er fantasifuldt, betagende og ofte overraskende. Denne aften hører vi resultatet af et årelangt samarbejde med den engelske vokalist Norma Winstone i MARILYN MAZUR SPECIAL 4, der har musikken helt inde under huden. Norma Winstone er med sine evner til at improvisere tekstløst en helt særlig kunstner med en lang karriere og mange udgivelser på ECM bag sig. Den herboende pianist Makiko Hirabayashi har rødder i Japan, og sørger for både at støtte og udfordre. Klavs Hovman på bas er kendt for sit sikre og rytmisk spændstige spil. Og trompetisten Jacob Buchanan leverer med sit præcise og flot tilrettelagte spil de fleste soli. Marilyn Mazur formår at skabe en verden af glæde, af forundring og ikke mindst en medrivende lykkefølelse, selvom hun også udfordrer lytteren. Det er musik fra en anden verden. Musik som bjergtager og som har ført til, at hun har modtaget talrige priser i ind- og udland og stadig prises som en af jazzens mest originale udøvere. Line-up: Norma Winstone, voc (UK) Marilyn Mazur, drums/perc (US/DK) Jakob Buchanan, trumpet (DK) Makiko Hirabayashi, piano (JP/DK) Klaus Hovman, bass (DK). ENGLISH: Denmark's percussion queen envelops Jazzhus Montmartre in physical and soulful music from another world. If there is a Danish jazzmusician we should be proud of, it is Marilyn Mazur. Her original compositions, her wide-ranging and always deeply swinging drum and percussion playing have no equal in this world; imaginative, breathtaking and often surprising. At the same time, Marilyn Mazur manages to create a world of joy, wonder and, not least, an enthralling feeling of happiness when the music is really playing. It's music from another world. Music that captivates anyone who hears it, which has led to her receiving a host of awards from home and abroad and is still praised as one of jazz's most original performers. We have the pleasure of looking forward to hearing the result of a year-long collaboration with the English vocalist Norma Winstone in Mazur's permanent group, MARILYN MAZUR SPECIAL 4; a group that has the music completely under their skin. Winstone is a special figure in European jazz with a long career and many releases on ECM behind her, and she has a great ability to improvise without text. Trumpeter Jacob Buchanan delivers most of the solos with his precise and well-arranged playing, pianist Makiko Hirabayashi provides both support and challenge, while Klavs Hovman keeps the joints in order with his sure-fire and rhythmically resilient playing. It is challenging music, but also music that is guaranteed to please the soul.

Entré: 370 kr + evt. gebyr