An invitation into your heart. A service dedicated to reconnect us with our hearts and to cultivate our capacity for unconditional Divine Love. Leading us back home into the truth of our soul.
You will be guided in meditation, prayer, healing or maybe just silent heart connection. Love will take us where we need to go. This is the simple Nordic, non-religious, no-nonsense path back into the presence of God/Love.Anja Steensig is internationally recognised for her capacity to embody Divine Love. She represents a simple Nordic Mystic approach to spirituality, where everything, but the pure and simple connection directly to God, is stripped away. Uncomplicated, undogmatic and solely focused on how we can bring Gods Love more fully into our lives and into the world. The simple and honest non-religious spirituality in devoted service to God.She is mediating Gods Love through writing, speaking and mentoring. Learn more:
Köp/beställa biljetter
You will be guided in meditation, prayer, healing or maybe just silent heart connection. Love will take us where we need to go. This is the simple Nordic, non-religious, no-nonsense path back into the presence of God/Love.Anja Steensig is internationally recognised for her capacity to embody Divine Love. She represents a simple Nordic Mystic approach to spirituality, where everything, but the pure and simple connection directly to God, is stripped away. Uncomplicated, undogmatic and solely focused on how we can bring Gods Love more fully into our lives and into the world. The simple and honest non-religious spirituality in devoted service to God.She is mediating Gods Love through writing, speaking and mentoring. Learn more:
Entré: 150 kr