Arkiv: Overstået event
Ukraine House in Denmark

Gammel Dok, Strandgade 27B, København K

Tisdag 26 november 2024, kl. 16.30-18.30.


From Russian disinformation to scorched earth tactics: shared reality afflicting Ukrainians and

Syrians. From Russian disinformation to scorched earth tactics: shared reality afflicting Ukrainians and SyriansSpeakers: Roman Koval, Head of Research, Truth Hounds, Ukraine (online).

Ivan M. Nielsen, Denmark's former Special Representative for the Syria Crisis
Raed Al Saleh, Head of the White Helmets
Farouq Habib, White Helmets Deputy General Manager for External Affairs Emboldened by the lack of accountability for its 2014 invasion of Ukraine and crimes against Ukrainians, Russia intervened in Syria in 2015 in support of the Assad regime, attacking civilians. With renewed impunity, it then returned to Ukraine with a full-scale invasion, tragically demonstrating that impunity in one context only green-lights atrocities and violations of international humanitarian law in another.Russia's deliberate and brutal war crimes have been aided by extensive disinformation operations. Sieges, enforced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, attacks on hospitals, schools, and even first responders - with Russia importing its practice of double-tap attacks from its aggression in Syria to Ukraine; the list is as long as it is endless.How important is the intersectional solidarity of all victims of Russian aggression? What is being done today to expose Russia's crimes that go far beyond Ukraine, an aggression that has many faces and a long history? This discussion will include specialized human rights organizations and civil society movements with deep insight into Russian practices of creating unlivable places and turning the world into an insecure world where might is right instead of law.