Arkiv: Overstået event
Aarhus Curling Klub

Gøteborg Allé 9, Aarhus N

Fredag 9 augusti 2024 till söndag 11 augusti 2024, kl. 15-18.

Andra idrottsturneringar

Aarhus Cup 2024

You and your team are hereby invited to the 2023 edition if Aarhus Cup, our yearly late summer/ season opening tournament. Entry fee covers breakfast and lunch og Saturday and Sunday as well as dinner/ party Saturday evening. Sign up today!

You and your team are hereby invited to the 2024 edition if Aarhus Cup, our yearly late summer/ season opening tournament.
Entry fee covers breakfast and lunch og Saturday and Sunday as well as dinner/ party Saturday evening.

Sign up today!

A maximum of 30 teams will be accepted.

Pris: 2500 kr