La Boucherie

Vestergade 10, København K

Fredag 11 oktober 2024, kl. 18.45-22.15.


One Direction Night - Copenhagen

One Direction Theme Nights kommer til København! Directioners! Er I klar til en aften fyldt med Midnight Memories og things They Don't Know About Us?

Fordi d. 11. oktober lander One Direction Theme Nights i hjertet af København, så Directioners endnu en gang kan fejre verdens bedste boyband med stil!
Vi omdanner en helt almindelig klub til et paradis for Directioners, hvor vi danser, synger og fester til de største hits fra One Direction (og dem er der mange af)Forvent en aften fyldt med ægte 1D-energi, kærlighed og selvfølgelig alle de bangers, vi elsker!
Så kan du heller ikke vente på en ægte reunion-tour, så find dit fineste 1D-outfit frem, og oplev en fest, du sent vil glemme!Event information:
Billetsalg starter: Torsdag d. 8/8 kl 10:30Sted: La Boucherie
Dato: 11. oktober
Dørene åbner: 18:451D DJ går på: 19:15-22:15Klubben åbner for alm. gæster: 22:00
Aldersgrænse: 18+Facebook Event: Refunderinger vil kun blive udstedt i tilfælde af aflysning grundet uforudsete forhold//English//

One Direction Theme Nights is coming to Copenhagen!
Directioners! Are you ready for an evening filled with Midnight Memories and things They Don't Know About Us? Because on October 11th, One Direction Theme Nights will arrive at the the heart of Copenhagen, giving Directioners another chance to celebrate the world's best boy band in style!
We're transforming a regular club into a paradise for Directioners, where we'll dance, sing, and party to the biggest hits from One Direction (and there are many of those)
Expect an evening full of true 1D energy, love, and of course, all the bangers we adore!
So, if you can't wait for a real reunion tour either, dig out your finest 1D outfit and experience a party you won't forget!
Event Information:
Ticket Sales Start: Thursday, August 8th at 10:30 AM
Venue: La BoucherieDate: October 11th
Doors Open: 18:45
1D DJ Set: 19:15-22:15Club Opens for General Guests: 22:00
Age Limit: 18+Facebook Event:
Refund Policy: Refunds will only be issued in case of cancellation due to unforeseen circumstances.

Entré: 145 kr

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