Arkiv: Overstået event
Power Of Touch

Shetlandsgade 3, København S

Söndag 1 december 2024

Arrangör: Power Of Touch


Naughty not nice (liquid nuru journey)

Liquid Nuru Journey. A Sensory Journey of Touch. As per tradition, the Power of Touch weekend will end with a bang of an oxytocin party on Sunday. This time in a new updated version 2.0!

This liquid oasis of love will take you on a sensory journey beyond the ordinary.

You will be guided on an inner journey while swimming in a sea of touching.

COLOR Red For further details on the color-code look in the bottom of this post.

In this playshop we cultivate sensory presence, curiosity, play, sensuality and pleasure.
This is a powerful sensory journey that will invite you into a deep state of presence, connection and pleasure.
You will get to explore your relationship with your body, your senses, touch, connection, boundaries, sensuality and pleasure.

Removing the sense of sight by being blindfolded (or simply having your eyes closed) during the journey will give you an opportunity to experience love and connection in an attachment- and judge-free way.
It will give you an opportunity to explore both feeling your body's boundaries and letting go into becoming one with other bodies.

We start by going over our guideline for a safe and respectful.
Afterwards, you will undress, put on your blindfold, and prepare for the sensory journey.
Full nudity is, of course, voluntary, but it is recommended to wear as little as possible.
During the session, you will experience how body contact, movement, and the hormones released by touch interact with the gel to create a feeling of deep connection with yourself and the other participants.
After the session, we wipe off the gel and gather briefly in a circle to land the experience together and share the impressions we've had.

There will be several helper angels and an emotional team present the whole time to ensure that the framework is maintained and to assist anyone who needs support.

No, the 'Liquid Nuru Journey' focuses on the sensory and sensual rather than the sexual.
There will be clear boundaries for interaction and sexual behavior, including rules on non-penetration and non-ejaculation, to create a safe space for exploration, sensuality, play and presence.

This is not a place for sexual intentions, but rather an opportunity to experience love and connection in an unconditional way.

Liquid Nuru Journey is the final event of the Power of Touch weekend.

The highly competent and empathetic Power Of Touch Crew will be your guide, angel, and travel leader as we set sail for the festival's last Sensory Orgasmic Playshop.

Please bring the following:
Tight-fitting and small swimwear or underwear if you do not wish to be nude
Your own towel to wipe off the gel afterwards
Something warm like a bathrobe (that can handle some excess gel) to wrap around during the sharing circle
Clothes that can handle a little gel for the journey home (there are no showers)
A single-use blindfold that fits well
A bathing cap if you do not want gel in your hair.

Power Of Touch is built on a color code called:
White, red, and black, which stand for:

White: Touch and nudity are not part of the workshop
Red: Touch and nudity may occur, but no penetration
Black: Touch, nudity, and penetration may occur Although touch with penetration may occur, there are no requirements in any workshop - you choose the approach that respects your boundaries and needs."

Dato & Tid:
Søndag den 1. december, kl. 11.00-18.00

Shetlandsgade 3, 2300 København S

Entré: 360-610 kr