Arkiv: Overstået event

Allegade 2, Helsingør

Saturday 3 August 2024, 11.30 am, 1.30 pm, 4.30 pm & 5 pm.

Organizer: Helsingør Teater

Children's theater

Living Circus Public

Nycirkus for børn og voksne. Varighed: 25 min uden pause.

A social-artistic project that takes hybrid circus beyond the public space into locations that are not normally intended for performance. Creation and performance take place in these locations: personal homes, living rooms, care institutions, cafés, libraries, prisons... and the diverse architecture and levels of intimacy play a profound part in the final event

Medvirkende: Ward Mortier, Thomas Decaesstecker, Alonso Matia Gonzalez, Katleen Ravoet, Karen Van Schaik

Dramaturg: Craig Weston.

Entrance fee: Løssalg: 90 DKK