Klang Festival inviterer til Programreleasekoncert 2025.Udover præsentation af årets festivalprogram præsenteres den unge komponistgruppe Chamber Collective CPH med koncerten "Limited (in motion) II".
Programmet vil præsentere de fire talentfulde unge komponisters unikke og bemærkelsesværdige perspektiv.Program- 18:00 Velkomst ved James Black og Filip Melo, Klang Festival, og Adrianna Kubica-Cypek, Chamber Collective CPH.- 18:15 - Joss Smith: a hill to die on - Håkon Guttormsen: Pre-, Post- or Interlude- 18:45 Klang 2025 Programpræsentation v. kunstnerisk leder James Black- 19:00 - Asli Emre: System Error - Aske Kai Tengberg: in the place of a dogMedvirkende musikere- Clarinet: Roksana Malolepszy- Cello: Sarvin Asa- Piano: Anna FlodmarkOm samarbejdetChamber Collective Copenhagen er et non-profit kollektiv, der skaber en bæredygtig platform for unge kunstnere. Kollektivet samarbejder med komponister og arbejder for et bæredygtigt komponistmiljø ved at genopføre nyskrevet musik.Klang Festival er Danmarks største festival for eksperimenterende musik. Med en tværkunstnerisk profil, fokus på publikum og stærke nationale og internationale samarbejder præsenterer festivalen et bredt udsnit af kunstmusik.Samarbejdet mellem Chamber Collective og Klang Festival giver unge komponister og musikere mulighed for at præsentere den nyeste eksperimenterende musik i dag. ººº//////ºººººº//////ºººKlang Festival invites you to the 2025 Program Release Concert.In addition to the presentation of this year's festival program, the young composer group Chamber Collective CPH will be featured with the concert "Limited (in motion) II". The program presents the work of four talented young composers with a remarkable fresh point of view. Program- 18:00 Welcome by James Black and Filip Melo, Klang Festival, and Adrianna Kubica-Cypek, Chamber Collective CPH.- 18:15 - Joss Smith: a hill to die on - Håkon Guttormsen: Pre-, Post- or Interlude- 18:45 Klang 2025 Program Presentation by Artistic Director James Black- 19:00 - Asli Emre: System Error - Aske Kai Tengberg: in the place of a dogPerforming musicians- Clarinet: Roksana Malolepszy- Cello: Sarvin Asa- Piano: Anna FlodmarkAbout the collaborationChamber Collective Copenhagen is a non-profit collective dedicated to creating a sustainable platform for young artists. The collective collaborates with composers and promotes a sustainable composition environment by reperforming newly written music.Klang Festival is Denmark's largest festival for experimental music. With an interdisciplinary profile, a strong focus on audience engagement, and solid national and international collaborations, the festival presents a broad spectrum of contemporary music.The collaboration between Chamber Collective and Klang Festival provides young composers and musicians with the opportunity to present the latest in experimental music today.
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Programmet vil præsentere de fire talentfulde unge komponisters unikke og bemærkelsesværdige perspektiv.Program- 18:00 Velkomst ved James Black og Filip Melo, Klang Festival, og Adrianna Kubica-Cypek, Chamber Collective CPH.- 18:15 - Joss Smith: a hill to die on - Håkon Guttormsen: Pre-, Post- or Interlude- 18:45 Klang 2025 Programpræsentation v. kunstnerisk leder James Black- 19:00 - Asli Emre: System Error - Aske Kai Tengberg: in the place of a dogMedvirkende musikere- Clarinet: Roksana Malolepszy- Cello: Sarvin Asa- Piano: Anna FlodmarkOm samarbejdetChamber Collective Copenhagen er et non-profit kollektiv, der skaber en bæredygtig platform for unge kunstnere. Kollektivet samarbejder med komponister og arbejder for et bæredygtigt komponistmiljø ved at genopføre nyskrevet musik.Klang Festival er Danmarks største festival for eksperimenterende musik. Med en tværkunstnerisk profil, fokus på publikum og stærke nationale og internationale samarbejder præsenterer festivalen et bredt udsnit af kunstmusik.Samarbejdet mellem Chamber Collective og Klang Festival giver unge komponister og musikere mulighed for at præsentere den nyeste eksperimenterende musik i dag. ººº//////ºººººº//////ºººKlang Festival invites you to the 2025 Program Release Concert.In addition to the presentation of this year's festival program, the young composer group Chamber Collective CPH will be featured with the concert "Limited (in motion) II". The program presents the work of four talented young composers with a remarkable fresh point of view. Program- 18:00 Welcome by James Black and Filip Melo, Klang Festival, and Adrianna Kubica-Cypek, Chamber Collective CPH.- 18:15 - Joss Smith: a hill to die on - Håkon Guttormsen: Pre-, Post- or Interlude- 18:45 Klang 2025 Program Presentation by Artistic Director James Black- 19:00 - Asli Emre: System Error - Aske Kai Tengberg: in the place of a dogPerforming musicians- Clarinet: Roksana Malolepszy- Cello: Sarvin Asa- Piano: Anna FlodmarkAbout the collaborationChamber Collective Copenhagen is a non-profit collective dedicated to creating a sustainable platform for young artists. The collective collaborates with composers and promotes a sustainable composition environment by reperforming newly written music.Klang Festival is Denmark's largest festival for experimental music. With an interdisciplinary profile, a strong focus on audience engagement, and solid national and international collaborations, the festival presents a broad spectrum of contemporary music.The collaboration between Chamber Collective and Klang Festival provides young composers and musicians with the opportunity to present the latest in experimental music today.
Entrance fee: 50 DKK