(English below)Til denne Open Session vil Sophia fortælle om sted og lyd - hvordan hun udforsker forladte steder i Aarhus og transformerer dem til omsluttende værker med interaktive audiovisuelle installationer, stedspecifikke udstillinger i bunkere,.
Multikanalslyd og forholdet mellem sted og lyd.Sophia Sagaradze er en georgisk lydkunstner, komponist og performer bosat i Danmark. Med fokus på multikanalslyd, rumliggørelse gennem lyd og interaktive installationer skaber Sagaradze værker, der udforsker grænserne mellem ydre og indre oplevelser af steder.Sophia Sagaradze har en kandidatgrad i elektronisk komposition (DIEM) og modtog Carl Nielsen og Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen Fondens Talentpris i 2022. Hun er stifter og kunstnerisk leder af Aarhus Lydforening, underviser på Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium og arbejder for ROSA.
Nørre Allé 7, 2200, KBH Gratis Kl 18.30
English:During the Open Session, Sophia will talk about space and sound-how she explores abandoned places in Aarhus and transforms them into immersive environments with interactive audio-visual installations, site-specific exhibitions in bunkers, multichannel audio, and the relationship between space and sound.Sophia Sagaradze is a sound artist, composer, and performer from Georgia, currently based in Denmark. With a focus on multichannel electronics, sound spatialization, and interactive installations, Sagaradze creates works that explore the boundary between external and internal experiences of space.Sophia Sagaradze holds a master's degree in electronic composition (DIEM) and was awarded the Carl Nielsen and Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen Foundation's Talent Award in 2022. Sophia is the founder and artistic director of Aarhus Lydforening, teaches at Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium, and works at ROSA.Tak til Pressens Uddannelsesfond og Dansk Journalistforbund for at gøre Open Sessions muligt.
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Multikanalslyd og forholdet mellem sted og lyd.Sophia Sagaradze er en georgisk lydkunstner, komponist og performer bosat i Danmark. Med fokus på multikanalslyd, rumliggørelse gennem lyd og interaktive installationer skaber Sagaradze værker, der udforsker grænserne mellem ydre og indre oplevelser af steder.Sophia Sagaradze har en kandidatgrad i elektronisk komposition (DIEM) og modtog Carl Nielsen og Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen Fondens Talentpris i 2022. Hun er stifter og kunstnerisk leder af Aarhus Lydforening, underviser på Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium og arbejder for ROSA.
Nørre Allé 7, 2200, KBH Gratis Kl 18.30
English:During the Open Session, Sophia will talk about space and sound-how she explores abandoned places in Aarhus and transforms them into immersive environments with interactive audio-visual installations, site-specific exhibitions in bunkers, multichannel audio, and the relationship between space and sound.Sophia Sagaradze is a sound artist, composer, and performer from Georgia, currently based in Denmark. With a focus on multichannel electronics, sound spatialization, and interactive installations, Sagaradze creates works that explore the boundary between external and internal experiences of space.Sophia Sagaradze holds a master's degree in electronic composition (DIEM) and was awarded the Carl Nielsen and Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen Foundation's Talent Award in 2022. Sophia is the founder and artistic director of Aarhus Lydforening, teaches at Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium, and works at ROSA.Tak til Pressens Uddannelsesfond og Dansk Journalistforbund for at gøre Open Sessions muligt.