Arkiv: Overstået event

Saturday 29 June 2024, 3.00 pm.

Other performances

Gandras / Stork

Gandras is Lithuanian for stork. The stork, with its elegant yet raw appearance, is always moving between several homes

The stork reminds the artist of her own life, where she travels and performs with the circus, without having a permanent home.
The set designs a stork's nest, and tells the story of the stork from a human point of view based on stories collected from people who live close to the stork

The performance plays outdoors near DYNAMO. Find the location on our website from 26 June.

DURATION 60 min. incl. artist talk
AGE from 5 years old
LANGUAGE Non-verbal
TICKET Free entrance, or pay a ticket and support DYNAMO

Free admission

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