Fotografisk Center

Staldgade 16, Copenhagen V

Saturday 24 August 2024 to Sunday 20 October 2024, Tuess, Wed, Fri 12:00 - 6.00 pm Thurs 12:00 - 8.00 pm Sat, Sun 12:00 - 4.00 pm.

<span class="Memories" an Exhibition at Fotografisk Center">


"Memories" an Exhibition at Fotografisk Center

The exhibition Memories shows works by 11 Danish and international artists, each of whom with their distinctive artistic practice, shows how a phenomenon such as memories relate to and is reflected in the camera-based art of today

Fotografisk Center presents an international group exhibition about memories, which marks the second exhibition in its ongoing exhibition trilogy. The series of exhibitions will investigate and discuss the current artistic and cultural role of photography through various themes, and this year photography's connection to memory and history will be scrutinized

The artworks in the exhibition illuminate memories in different ways both materially, through experiments with the materiality of memories or the photograph as a physical object, and thematically in the form of personal or collective memory and history. Other works illuminate the meaning and influence of archives or technology on human memory and remembrance.

Together the artworks explores in different ways how the photographic medium can be both a bearer of memory and a catalyst for retaining or recalling memories due to its ability to perpetuate the past in the present and the future.

The participating artists are: Ikram Abdulkadir (SO/SE), Sune Amstrup (DK), Salih Basheer (SD), Ismar Cirkinagic (BA), Jeannette Ehlers (DK/ TT), Astrid Kruse Jensen (DK), Helene Nymann (DK ), Inuuteq Storch (GL), Fiona Tan (ID), Constanza Valderrama (CL) and Danh Vo (DK/VN).

The exhibition and the accompanying publication are generously supported by the Augustinus Fonden, the New Carlsberg Foundation and the Danish Arts Foundation

Entrance fee: Voksen billet 40 DKK, Studerende, grupper (min. 5 personer) & pensionister 20 DKK, Medlemmer, børn & unge under 16 gratis

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