Arkiv: Overstået event
Jernalderlandsbyen Odins Odense

Store Klaus 40, Odense N

Saturday 29 June 2024, 10:00 - 4.00 pm.

Market/Town festivity

Swords of the Ages

Join us as the warriors of the past cross blades at "Swords of the Ages". Enjoy a weekend with a focus on historical swords, training and fighting techniques. Looking forward to seeing you for a sword-wielding weekend for all

*cling* *swish*

What you can hear is the sound of swords cutting through the air as Iron Age warriors, Vikings and Medieval fighters cross blades at "Swords of the Ages".

During the weekend, you can get up close to the sword and see how its design, use and design have changed over time.

You can also experience warrior training, immerse yourself in combat techniques and discuss tactics and strategy with genuine war geeks.

Look forward to a sword-wielding weekend for both the child and the history geek - with a focus on the weapons of the past

Entrance fee: Voksne: 80. Børn (6-14 år): 40. Børn u/6 år er gratis