
Nyhavn 16Z, Copenhagen K

Friday 25 April 2025 to Sunday 27 April 2025, 8 pm - 5.30 pm.


Psychosis revisited

When we performed 4:48 Psychosis at H15 Scene in 2019, we knew we weren't done. There was more to uncover, more to push. Kane's fearless final plea to the world demanded to be honored - so we chose the only fitting response : to be just as brave.

We set rules for ourselves : honesty, courage and no compromise. Thus we dugged into our pasts. From when Ann-Charlott slept in public bathrooms and wrote on walls to feel less alone. From when Garance poured confessions into letters she could never send. This is Psychosis Revisited. No filters. No safety nets. Just the truth - raw and staring back at you.

Psychosis Revisited addresses sensitive topics, including depression, self-harm, suicide, and sexual abuse. Therefore, it is restricted to audiences aged 15 and above informed of these triggers. This is a multilingual performance - primarily in English, but also featuring French, and Danish
Creators/Performers : Ann-Charlott Louise Amann and Garance Chansigaud, Visual Art : Tommy Holbech, Music : Ramn Alfredsson.

Entrance fee: 80 DKK

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