Arkiv: Overstået event

Møllegade 7, Copenhagen N

Sunday 12 January 2025, 19:00 - 11.00 pm.

Organizer: Cph Listening Room


Cph Listening Room Feat: Ray Weaver (US/DK)

Our weekly Copenhagen singer-songwriter venue is known for its attentive audience, international & welcoming atmosphere and pro sound. And, for being all volunteer run, by The Listening Roomies Forening. House guitar & grand piano.

Ray Weaver is an award-winning songwriter known for his unique ability to transform life experiences into deeply personal yet universally resonant songs and stories.

Open stage:

- Two-song spots (max 10 minutes) for the first 13 songwriters who sign up from 19.15. Live original music only.
Eloquent hosting - and a bunch of friendly volunteers on sound, lights, camera & in the bar.

- Featured artist at 9 pm:
Ray Weaver (US/DK).

Free admission

Read more on the website