Program: X 16.00-17.00 : Ankomst & pre foredrag drinks. X 17.00-18.00 : Foredrag "Universet på 60 minutter". X 18.00-22.00 : Social hang-out & drinks. X 22.00-00.00 : Hygge i baren. Marco Germinario præsenterer.
Have you ever wanted to understand quantum mechanics, general relativity, Darwin evolution theory and more?
Follow Marco Germinario in this 60 min magic journey through space rollercoasters, symphonies of energy, climate dinosaurs and stardust: a simple explanation of the heaviest concepts in our modern science, how do they relate to each other and the incredible implications.
Together, we'll embark in this magic journey through space and time, from the birth of the Universe to the distant future of humanity and science!
We'll experience together the sense of wonder and curiosity innate in human beings. It is aimed at kids (13+), adults and the elderly of all educations and cultures!
There will be a constant interaction with the speaker, it will be possible to make questions both during and at the end of the talk.
You will leave the room with a sense of enchantment about life, maybe a different perspective on the world and fore sure an enthusiasm and desire to investigate the mystery of existence through all the means that humanity has available!
Foredraget foregår mellem kl. 18 og 19, men gæt hvad? Bankeråt Café er klar til at byde jer velkommen allerede fra kl. 17 med venlige priser på velkomstdrinks! Bliv hængende efter talken til middag og nogle fede snakke om rummet, universet og alt muligt andet, mens I nyder caféens signaturcocktails! Vi ses der!
The talk is happening between 6 PM and 7 PM, but guess what? Bankeråt Café is ready to welcome you from 5 PM with some friendly-priced welcome drinks! Stick around after the talk for dinner and some cool chats about space, the universe, and everything else, while enjoying the café's signature cocktails! See you there!
Værtskab v. Marco Germinario
Genre: Foredrag / talk / workshop
Entré kun 95 kr. pr. snude! ----
(billet bookes vha. billetlinket)
*** Venlige barpriser all night ***.
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Have you ever wanted to understand quantum mechanics, general relativity, Darwin evolution theory and more?
Follow Marco Germinario in this 60 min magic journey through space rollercoasters, symphonies of energy, climate dinosaurs and stardust: a simple explanation of the heaviest concepts in our modern science, how do they relate to each other and the incredible implications.
Together, we'll embark in this magic journey through space and time, from the birth of the Universe to the distant future of humanity and science!
We'll experience together the sense of wonder and curiosity innate in human beings. It is aimed at kids (13+), adults and the elderly of all educations and cultures!
There will be a constant interaction with the speaker, it will be possible to make questions both during and at the end of the talk.
You will leave the room with a sense of enchantment about life, maybe a different perspective on the world and fore sure an enthusiasm and desire to investigate the mystery of existence through all the means that humanity has available!
Foredraget foregår mellem kl. 18 og 19, men gæt hvad? Bankeråt Café er klar til at byde jer velkommen allerede fra kl. 17 med venlige priser på velkomstdrinks! Bliv hængende efter talken til middag og nogle fede snakke om rummet, universet og alt muligt andet, mens I nyder caféens signaturcocktails! Vi ses der!
The talk is happening between 6 PM and 7 PM, but guess what? Bankeråt Café is ready to welcome you from 5 PM with some friendly-priced welcome drinks! Stick around after the talk for dinner and some cool chats about space, the universe, and everything else, while enjoying the café's signature cocktails! See you there!
Værtskab v. Marco Germinario
Genre: Foredrag / talk / workshop
Entré kun 95 kr. pr. snude! ----
(billet bookes vha. billetlinket)
*** Venlige barpriser all night ***.
Entrance fee: 95 DKK